"It won't hurt you to be my assistant, will you?"

Gu jiuci reaches out her hand with a smile. She instinctively has a good feeling for retired women.

"Of course not. I'm also a fan of you!"

Ah Jing immediately reached out her hand enthusiastically, holding Gu jiuci's hand for the first time. Her hand was slightly shaking and nervous.

"Besides, brother Tang's salary is not low."

"Ha ha ha ha, you are such a happy man."

Gu jiuci was amused by a'jing's straightforward words. Although we met for the first time, we all seemed to have the same magnetic field, and we were very happy together.

"Call me a CI later, and wish us a happy cooperation ~"

"yes! You will be a top actress

"By your word."

Seeing ah Jing's bright eyes looking at herself, Gu jiuci's smile is deeper. It seems that Tang Yu is right. Ah Jing is really her fan.

"Although I will join the group, after all, the gender is different, and many places are not convenient. Ah Jing will be your personal assistant. You should let her follow you at any time to protect you. If you act alone, you must report to me.

It's not spying on you. It's for your own good. "

Tang Yu seriously admonished the way.

"Well, I know."

Gu jiuci nodded, the entertainment industry is a big dye vat, and the crew is a small society, a little careless will be plot, Tang Yu's worry is reasonable.

She thought about it for a while and then asked.

"By the way, does ah Jing know my specific situation?"

"Yes, I didn't expect your husband to be so excellent. Don't worry, I won't say a word to you!"

Don't wait for Tang Yu to answer, a quiet immediately answer a word, also made a sealing action.

Gu jiuci didn't say anything more when he saw Ah Jing go on the road. They had a simple lunch together. It's better to say goodbye when Gu jiuci watched Tang Yu and ah Jing have a simple lunch.

The next morning, the high-end nanny car stopped outside Huangju on time, carrying Gu jiuci to the crew. Due to the high popularity of Du Fanghua and Fei Ming, the crew is worried about the leakage of shooting content caused by fans visiting. So Li Le'an, who had been able to find a good venue in the city center, had to move the shooting site to the next city.

All the cast members stayed in the same hotel. After Gu jiuci settled down, she immediately rushed to the shooting site. When she arrived, many people had come to the scene.

When they saw her, they were unconventional and warmly said hello to her.

"ADI, you're here. Have you eaten yet?"

"Gu jiuci, Congratulations, you got Juliet's interview pass book. It's really amazing!"

For a moment, new people gathered around her, all kinds of gallant praise and flattery.

"Thank you."

Gu jiuci cold rather than polite response to everyone, she glimpsed, found that flattering her, there are also that day in the bathroom secretly said bad things about her.

It seems that this is the chain reaction brought by Du Fanghua's Micro blog clarification last time. As we all know, Du Fanghua has a strong background. Naturally, his "relative" can not be easily provoked.

At the thought of this, Gu jiuci had to give a compliment to the demon king. By making Du Fanghua respond like this, she saved a lot of friction in getting along with people, and also a lot of secret arrows and cold arrows.

After a while, the hero and heroine and several other leading actors arrived, and those people warmly went to say hello to them. Gu jiuci finally found a leisure time.

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