The camera is directly connected to Gu jiuci's face, and the directors and staff behind the monitor take a breath of air. Gu jiuci's face is really beautiful, especially the big clear eyes. Once they look at each other, they seem to be sucked in, which makes people forget the heroine for a moment.

Director Li Le'an rubbed his hands excitedly. Mu orange must be able to hold the scene. Gu jiuci, the character he chose, was right!

At this time, Mu orange calmly staring at the summer, the expression on his face can not see joy and anger.

"In summer, people can really stand up only by themselves."

She said this sentence when the tone is very light, but every word is clearly hit in the heart of summer.

Summer Leng for a moment, then their own difficult to climb up from the ground, but the rain poured on the ground is very slippery, Du Fanghua's feet did not pay attention to, immediately lost his balance, see really will fall down injured!

But at this time, the director did not stop. Outside the camera, Du Fanghua's agent almost called out!

Du Fanghua's first reaction was to get hurt. Since the director didn't stop, the play had to go on. She had to bear the pain and fall down.

However, she fell to half, a white Xi slender hand but pulled her, strength just good to help her up.

A calm and gentle voice sounded in Du Fanghua's ear.

"But I think we need friends in the face of difficulties, don't we?"

Du Fanghua raised her eyes slightly surprised and looked up at Gu jiuci with a pair of smiling eyes.


Du Fanghua is pulled up by Gu jiuci, and Li Le'an immediately gives a pause with joy, and even excitedly looks at Gu jiuci.

"Gu jiuci, you have played this part very well! Better than the original script

Even the screenwriter Shuya also laughed and praised: "a CI, you really play the role of Mu orange!"

In the original script, Mu orange was watching herself stand up in the summer, but it seemed a little cold. But this sudden small situation, with Gu jiuci playing such a role, has enriched Mu orange's role, making her more flesh and blood, with seven passions and six desires.

At the same time, it also skillfully avoided a shooting accident. If the heroine is not injured, the play will not be suspended for any reason, and everyone's work will continue.

At the moment, the scene staff, looking at Gu jiuci's eyes, are with a trace of gratitude, especially Du Fanghua.

Thank you for saving me

"It's a piece of cake. Thank you for Fanghua ]My sister spoke up for me

Gu jiuci replied with a smile to Du Fanghua. After their conversation, the former sense of alienation disappeared.

"This one is very good. Let's take the next one!"

Director Li said in a good mood. In the next scene without Gu jiuci, she took the umbrella and handed it to the staff and went to the edge of the field to have a rest.

As soon as she got to the chair, a logistics staff member handed over a bottle of water enthusiastically.

"Drink some water. You just showed that you really saved us all!"

At this time, the makeup artist also took a powder puff to come over.

"Jiuci, I'll make up for you. There will be a play later."

Everyone became enthusiastic for a moment. Gu jiuci also kept the same attitude and politely expressed thanks.

Xu yun'er sat in the back, looking at this scene, almost her face was angry! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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