When Lisa saw this scene, she couldn't help being flustered. She just told people to give Gu jiuci a little laxative. How could she be so serious that she fainted?

"Call 120 and send people to the hospital!"

Li Le'an immediately gave orders in a loud voice. Just at this time, Tang Yu arrived at the scene with a cold face, went to Li Le'an, said something to Li Le'an, and took out a box of cherry fruit and handed it to Li Le'an.

When Lisa saw the box of cherry tomatoes, her face suddenly changed. As expected, Li Le'an said angrily.

"Don't worry, I will investigate this matter! I will give you an account

Gu jiuci vaguely heard some voices. When he woke up again, he was already in the hospital. He opened his eyes and looked at the pale light. His heart trembled, and the scene in the nightmare reappeared in his mind.

She really hates hospitals!

"Adieu! You wake up at last! I'm scared to death

Just at this time, a quietly pushed the door and came in. Seeing Gu jiuci wake up, he immediately rushed to the bed.

"How could I be in the hospital? What's the matter? "

"When you were filming, hypoglycemia fainted. The crew sent you to the hospital. The doctor said that you didn't eat anything and that's why it was so serious. The doctor also said that this is definitely not normal diarrhea dehydration."

Ah Jing said and frowned.

"Who did it? Did you find out? "

Gu jiuci looks cold. She will never believe that this incident will be an accident.

"It's found out! It's the problem with the cherry tomatoes. The employee who served the meal has been detained. Tang said that at present, he insists that he doesn't like you, so he makes you have diarrhea.

Fortunately, you asked me to keep a backup of all the things you have eaten before. Otherwise, who can find out what's wrong with the virgin fruit! This man is so disgusting

A quietly angrily clenched her fist. When Gu jiuci told her to keep a backup, she still felt redundant. She didn't expect the entertainment industry to be so disgusting!

If you let her see that person again, she will blow the other party!

Gu jiuci didn't have a smile on her face. An employee would not retaliate against her like this. There must be someone behind this, and she already knows it.

Want to hide behind your back? There are no doors!

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open again. Tang Yu and director Li Le'an walked in, followed by Li Shasha and other actors.

Gu jiuci was just about to get up when she suddenly fell on her knees with red eyes!

"Nine words! I am sorry! You can beat me and scold me! I shouldn't have given the cherry tomatoes to the staff, so that the staff has the opportunity to harm you! I really don't know that he even gave you a vicious medicine

Li Shasha cried bitterly, as if Gu jiuci was her mother.

Without waiting for Gu jiuci to speak, Li Shasha immediately turned to look at director Li Le'an.

"Director, I'm not to blame for this. I'm willing to bear all the medical expenses and nutrition expenses of jiuci. Oh, by the way, there are two days' lost work expenses. Let me have peace of mind!"

Li Shasha's face was full of pear blossom and rain, which made the people present feel sympathy. The deputy director couldn't help speaking.

"Director Li, the main responsibility for this matter is the one who puts the meal. Sasha is also kind to share with you. At that time, we all ate the cherry fruit, and there was no problem. Don't blame her...

Li Le'an pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

"As you said, you are responsible for all the expenses. Be more careful in the future."

If it wasn't for Li Shasha's willingness to bear the cost of missing work, Li Le'an would not have said so well.

"Thank you, director!"

Li Shasha immediately put away her tears and stood up, according to Tang Yu's ability, this matter will soon be found on her head, let Li guide know, she will be returned.

Fortunately, her agent taught her how to keep her character and her reputation.

Gu jiuci, as the party concerned, lies in the hospital bed and stares at Li Shasha with profound meaning. It's a good move to abandon the car, marshal ~

however, she didn't intend to let it go!

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