"No way!"

Hearing that Xu yun'er wants to come in, a quiet's face suddenly changes and refuses.

Xu yun'er had guessed that the great demon king would come to visit jiuci tonight. She just took a chance. Now seeing Gu jiuci's assistant's straightforward reaction, she was more convinced of her guess.

She has to live in today!

"Miss Xu, in my opinion, it's not suitable for you to squeeze with us. If you don't have money, I'll reserve a room for you."

A quiet stands at the door, insists not to let Xu yun'er enter the door, also thought of a compromise way to propose.

Xu yun'er secretly scolds Gu jiuci, a small assistant director's mother, in her heart. However, in order to maintain her gentle and kind-hearted facilities, she still waves her hands with a smile.

"I'm so familiar with a Ci that I'm just cramming for one night. What's the matter? There's no need to waste money to open another room."

When she finished, she was about to push her luggage into the room.

A quiet really worried, directly reached out to block the door frame, eyes anxious look back at Gu jiuci.

Gu jiuci has already seen through Xu yun'er's tricks, his hands around the chest, staring at Xu yun'er lightly.

Xu yun'er is stunned. She always feels that Gu jiuci's eyes seem to have penetrated her. She immediately pretends not to open her eyes and staggers Gu jiuci's.

"A CI, you also talk about your little assistant, how can't make sense?"

Gu jiuci sneered in his heart. That's my assistant. Of course, he can't listen to you.

"Cousin, ah Jing is also for your good. I'm not used to squeezing a bed with others at night. If you are not afraid of grievances, you can squeeze a bed with ah Qi?"

Xu yun'er is stunned when she hears the speech. She looks at the single bed on the side of the living room along with Gu jiuci's eyes, and then looks at ah'ai's broad body.

If she squeezed a bed with ah - Jing at night, would she be crushed to death by this woman!

But such a good opportunity in front of her, she can not miss, in case she really hook Huo Mingche, then after that will no longer need to be taken care of nine words of gas!

Thinking of this, Xu yun'er, taking advantage of a quiet, a short body, pushed the trunk to drill in and sat on the sofa.

"It doesn't matter. I can spend the night on the sofa."


just as a-jing was about to say something, Gu jiuci immediately gave her a look, indicating that she would not say more.

"Since you want to sleep on the sofa, you can sleep. I don't care about you."

"Well, I think this sofa is very good."

Xu yun'er was afraid of Gu jiuci's repentance, so she bumped on the sofa. Unexpectedly, she just sat on the spring of the sofa, which made her buttocks hurt and her face changed.

With a smile in his face, Gu jiuci no longer answers Xu yun'er and turns to the bathroom to take a bath.

At dinner in the evening, Xu yun'er is afraid that Gu jiuci will sneak out and have a private meeting with Huo Mingche outside. She almost keeps up with Gu jiuci.

Xu yun'er has made up her mind that she will guard Huo Mingche in any case this evening!

Gu jiuci Hun doesn't care, but ah Jing turns around in a hurry.

In the evening, a Jing finds an excuse to send clothes to Gu jiuci, puts Xu yun'er in the living room, closes the door and talks to Gu jiuci.

"ADI, what can I do? Mr. Huo is coming soon? This woman is so clever that she has to get in the way here

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