"Li Dao's skill of mouth shot has risen to a height."

A Qiao deliberately lowered her voice to the extreme, and remained expressionless on her face. She looked at Xu Yun's apology repeatedly. She also followed the nine words to make complaints about her facial paralysis.

"Whatever she is, we'll just prepare ours."

Gu jiuci just glanced at it and immediately took out the script to study.

This morning, Xu yun'er had more than 20 cards. At noon, he was scolded by director Li.

"If you can't do it tomorrow, you can leave for me!"

Xu yun'er is frightened and frightened, and the staff also hastily open their mouth to persuade, which slightly calms Li Le'an's anger.

Today, there was no night play for the crew. After dinner, everyone went back to the hotel to have a rest. As soon as Gu jiuci got to the door, he Dao was talking to Xu yun'er.

"You have a good rest tonight. If you can't adjust your state tomorrow, I can't save you either!"

The deputy director said to Xu yun'er kindly.

"Thank you, Mr. He. I will try my best."

"Well, take the opportunity and act well! You're just starting. Don't try to play big names and be special. "

Deputy director suddenly meaningful mouth, Xu Yun er's eyes widened in amazement.

"I didn't play the big card to make the special?"

"Well, since you've done it, don't you dare to admit that you didn't quarrel about staying in a suite like Gu jiuci last night? Do you know that the price of the apartment was raised by the hotel?

Don't forget that you live next door to the logistics team leader of our production team. You're not angry yet. Learn to be a man first


Xu yun'er was completely stupid, and unexpectedly offended the logistics team leader...

Gu jiuci looked on, and his heart was about to laugh crazy. It was more than stealing chicken and not eating rice. It was burning his own granary.

When he guide leaves, Gu jiuci goes up and greets her with a cheerful tone.


Xu yun'er was angry when she saw Gu jiuci, but on the surface, she had to keep her sister's affection.

"Hi, you're back."

"Yes, we don't have night plays today."

At this time, a quiet in the side of the special spiritual mouth asked.

"By the way, Miss Xu, have you cleaned up the mice in your room? Why don't you move in with us tonight? "

As soon as Xu yun'er's face changes, she still has a lot of important plays to play tomorrow. If she can't sleep well and behave badly, she will be finished! Thinking of this, she immediately shook her head and showed a fake smile.

"No, I think it's been a whole day. The hotel should have killed all the mice."

After hearing Xu yun'er's words, Gu jiuci and ah Jing looked at each other with a tacit smile.

"Then we'll go back and see you tomorrow."

Back in the room, Gu jiuci received the message from the great demon king.

"Demon: get off the plane. "

Gu jiuci quickly sent him an address and time. After putting down her mobile phone, she immediately turned her head and said to ah Jing.

"Ah, take out all my clothes and paint me the best make-up!"

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