She almost didn't say why she couldn't spend the night together.

"His early morning flight to the U.S. doesn't have much time."

"Oh, what a pity. I thought you could stay a little longer and let Mr. Huo moisten you. "

A quiet tone to buy no mouth, Gu jiuci can't cry or laugh.

"Where do you want to go? I'm only 19 years old, and nothing has happened."

Although the devil almost made a home run that night, there was no atmosphere and opportunity for that night.

"My God! What age are you two still in Platonic love? How could Huo ever bear it? "

Hearing Gu jiuci's words, ah Jing is even more surprised.

"Who says we are Plato, we also have relatives, OK?"

Gu jiuci said, his face turned red. After that, he didn't say too much to ah Jing, so he went back to his room to make up his sleep.

Lying on the bed, Gu jiuci took off the ring on his hand, carefully put it away, and sent a wechat to the demon king.

"Xiao jiu'er: three meals a day must be eaten on time. Take good care of yourself. I will let Zhan Ying keep a good eye on you! "

" demon king: OK. "

staring at the big demon's reply, Gu jiuci put away his mobile phone with satisfaction and turned to sleep.

In the next few days, in order to catch up with the schedule, everyone put into the intense shooting.

Li Shasha kept a low profile, and Xu yun'er was too busy for her part. Jiang Min didn't shoot with Gu jiuci in the same group, and the crew was much cleaner these days.

Soon, the first episode has been produced in the later stage, and it's time for the most beautiful hour light to go online.

On that night, director Li arranged the night play to the next day. He asked everyone to turn on the TV in the hotel and contribute to the audience rating.

Gu jiuci rarely reclined on the sofa, while a-chien was holding her mobile phone, paying close attention to the real-time audience rating and the broadcast volume of the network platform.

"Brother Tang, you have rich experience. How many ratings will we have this time?"

Tang Yu sat aside and spoke rationally.

"Maybe, no matter how optimistic the industry is, it depends on whether the audience will buy it or not."

Among the three, the only calm is Gu Jiu's resignation. After all, she is the one who holds the script. The most beautiful hour light in the previous life was really popular.

Just saying that, suddenly the TV advertising jump, the screen appeared "the most beautiful hour light" the opening song.

Both men and women appeared together, the image is very good, a minute later, the picture flashed over Mu orange in the classroom practicing piano.

"Ah, ah! You are so handsome

A quiet excited shout, Tang Yu's eyes also flash a satisfied light.

The first episode starts in the scene of the female owner riding her bicycle to the noble college. Gu jiuci put down his glass and got up to take a bath.

Half an hour later, she wiped her hair and walked out of the bathroom. She heard ah Jing scream excitedly.

"My God! The ratings of both channels have broken 1! The topic of "the most beautiful hour light" on Weibo has been swept to the top of hot search. A CI, many people like the role of Mu orange! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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