In order to take the opportunity to create momentum for the most beautiful hour light, the crew specially arranged a two-hour media visit and meeting this afternoon.

Originally, Du Fanghua and Fei Ming were asked to take a two-hour break to meet the media. However, because of the absence of the male and female masters and the lack of means to shoot the drama, they had to arrange for everyone to go together.

In the lobby of the hotel, Gu jiuci followed Li Shasha and stepped on the stage in turn. As soon as she entered the hotel, she felt hundreds of long guns and short guns. Since they came in, they never stopped.

Gu jiuci, according to the previous arrangement, sat in the corner on the most side of the stage, while as for Mian, Xu Yuner and others, they sat in the row under the stage beside them. They just took part in the meeting and took group photos, and had no chance to speak.

The entertainment industry is so hierarchical...

as soon as the actors and directors and writers sat down, the media reporters immediately asked questions about the interview.

Gu jiuci sat aside, half dazed, half listening carefully to the speeches of the two leading actors.

Before coming, Tang Yu specially told her that she had not learned the official script of the artist's reply, so she should listen to other mature artists.

Du Fanghua and Fei Ming are well-known actors and their answers are smooth and accurate.

Gu jiuci heard the most sentence is "thanks to the cultivation of directors and writers, our crew is a very harmonious family."

At this time, a male reporter stood up and looked at Gu jiuci with burning eyes.

"I have one more question, I want to interview the actor of Mu orange in the play!"

Everyone heard Mu orange two words are Leng for a moment, including Gu jiuci himself are stunned, there is a special interview with her?

The faces of Du Fanghua and Fei Ming flash a little bit of amazement at the same time. The expressions on the faces of Li Shasha and other male No.2 are also very wonderful. Only the director and the screenwriter are more calm, indicating that everyone should pass the microphone.

Gu jiuci waited for a minute for the microphone to reach him.

"Miss Gu, a lot of audiences want to know one thing in particular. What do you think of your comments on muchengben orange?"

As soon as the male reporter finished speaking, another reporter stood up again.

"Miss Gu, what do you think of the nickname given to you by the audience as" learning from the gods "

Gu jiuci opened his mouth and just wanted to answer the first reporter's question, but then the third reporter stood up and asked questions.

The scene is even as warm as the leading actor and heroine, or director Lee Lok an picked up the microphone to maintain order.

"Don't worry, my friends. You can answer so many questions at the same time. I'll set aside five more minutes for nine words to answer your questions."

Director Li made such a joke, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious and lively.

Gu jiuci also picked up the microphone with a smile and answered the reporters' questions one by one.

"The evaluation of Mu orange Ben orange is flattering to me. This is the first character I created. I even have a lot of shortcomings, but I am still a little happy to receive this evaluation. "

"It's a bit too modest to learn from God. I'm surrounded by people who study against the weather. For example, my second brother recommended the first university in China. After graduating from high school, 20 universities blocked him at the door and asked him to fill in the volunteers. I'm not strong enough."

Gu jiuci's answer is orderly, neither losing modesty nor being too humble. Different from the long established artists, she answers every question sincerely, including taking the second brother as an example, which is particularly true.

The reporters showed a satisfied look on their faces, and Tang Yu, who was on the stage, was also pleased.

"Big brother Tang, I think the people who are pink are really right!"

A quiet eyes worship looking at Gu jiuci on the stage, murmuring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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