Gu jiuci meaningful mouth, suddenly she smelled a sweet smell of food, can not help but shrug nose, also asked Mi an way.

"Do you smell anything fragrant?"

"Fragrance? Is that what you're talking about? "

Mi an was stunned for a moment, took out a paper bag and opened it. It was just steaming and hot rice candy. As she opened the bag, the sweet smell became more intense.

Gu jiuci can't help but take a sip. These days, in order to keep her figure on camera, Tang Yu has not allowed her to be contaminated with sugar, which makes her very greedy now.

"This is a specialty of my hometown. Although it smells very sweet, it actually has a special sugar content. When I lose weight, I will steam a little bit to satisfy my craving."

Mia explains with a smile.

"I wanted to give you some, thank you for helping me last time, but I'm afraid this kind of small thing will not get into your eyes."

"Who said, I guess it's delicious. Would you like me to have half of it?"

Gu jiuci is really greedy. He quickly opens his lunch box and looks around. Ah Jing is still cooking. Brother Tang is chatting with the director. The time is just right.

Mia second understood her meaning, quickly took out chopsticks and gave her half a piece of sugar.

Gu jiuci quickly took half a piece and put it into his mouth. It was really full of light sweetness!

"This fragrance, I am happy!"

Mi'an sees Gu jiuci's small expression and is also very happy to be infected.

"If you like, I'll steam it for you later, but I can't eat it every day."


Gu jiuci nodded as if pounding garlic.

"ADI, what are you eating? So happy? "

At this time, Xu yun'er came over with a box lunch.

Mi an's reply is a silent smile.

Xu yun'er looks back and forth between the two people. His face is stiff for a moment. When is the relationship between these two people so good?

"ADI, I'll go first."

Seeing Xu yun'er in, mi'an said hello and left.

Xu yun'er subconsciously walked forward a few steps, close to Gu jiuci. Just now, a little uneasy flashed in her mind. Gu jiuci's friends seem to have become more recently, no way! Don't let that happen!

"ADI, what are you talking to MIA?"

"Nothing, just a joke."

Gu jiuci lightly glanced at Xu yun'er, then sat on the side of the table with a cold face. Xu yun'er didn't feel like it, and didn't want to put it up. A pair of painstaking, for her good language way.

"A CI, mi'an's family is poor, but she doesn't want ordinary girls at all. She likes to make friends with rich people according to their company's people...

Xu Yuner's implicit and euphemistic words, but every sentence implies that Mian has a plot to approach her.

Gu jiuci's heart sneered and rolled a white eye, but on the surface or light said.

"I'm not a kid either. I know how to make friends with people."

"I'm just worried about you..."

seeing that Gu jiuci's tone was a little cold, Xu yun'er didn't seem to be very enthusiastic about mi'an, so she thought her goal had been achieved and didn't go on.

If the popularity of the Internet has not yet made Gu jiuci feel "red", then this media visit has made her feel it completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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