"No! I'm just happy for him

Xu yun'er deliberately shows a look of panic, as if worried that he might miss his mouth. Jiang Min immediately feels that he has found something fishy. He immediately turns to lock the door and stares at Xu yun'er.

"Xu yun'er, do you want to be the foil and background board of Gu jiuci, and live a life of passers-by? Don't you forget who signed the contract for you. People should know how to repay their gratitude, don't you? "

"I understand..."

Xu yun'er deliberately made a very difficult and threatening look.

In fact, this is to pave the way for things to come to light in the future. Even if Jiang Min implicates her, she can say that she is forced to wash herself white.

"Well, I just heard that sister Shu Ya discussed with the director. They are going to increase Mu orange's part according to the needs of the audience. They will use the method of double female two to add the plot of female three to that of female two.

I think that a CI may be able to make a hit with this play and get on the position of little flower of traffic. "

"Fart! Just because she wants to be a flow flower? Pooh

Jiang Min was furious immediately after hearing this! In the first episode, she and Gu jiuci leave the country at the same time, but the audience seems to have not seen her. The feeling of being ignored has already made people angry!

Now I hear that the enemy will add drama. Of course, Jiang Min is very angry!

Xu yun'er micro not check up the corner of the lip, Jiang Min's reaction is really in her heart.

"Jiang Min, the writer and director of this matter have not been announced to the public, you must not say it! Don't forget, director Li's rule is that anyone who divulges the contents of a rookie play or an unpublished segment will be returned on the spot!

I know you don't have a good relationship with ABI. Don't do anything stupid

The more Xu yun'er talked about it, the more she deliberately raised her voice. It sounded like she was persuading Jiang Min not to be impulsive. In fact, every sentence implied what Jiang Min should do.

Sure enough, Jiang Min completely heard Xu yun'er's words into her mind, and she suddenly looked at Xu yun'er with a gloomy face.

"You said, if director Li had known, Gu jiuci would have let Gu jiuci go home directly if he had leaked his unpublished footage? After being returned by director Li, Gu jiuci can't get along in the whole film and television industry? "

Xu yun'er pretends not to understand Jiang Min's words: "what are you kidding about? How can a CI reveal his own unpublished clips?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Min spoke in a meaningful way when someone knocked on the door. Jiang Min was in a good mood and straightened her hair in the mirror. She opened the door and went out. People outside see Jiang Min, and look at Xu yun'er, Leng Leng asked.

"What were you two talking about just now?"

"It's nothing. It's just about the script."

Xu yun'er faintly takes back the sight, casually perfunctory, but the tone can't stop the pleasure.


On the set, Gu jiuci sneezes heavily, and a-chien comes up nervously and puts his hand on her forehead.

"What's the matter? You don't have a cold, do you? "

"No, I just sneeze a lot."

Gu jiuci rubbed his nose, but he felt uneasy.

"Scene 36, for the first time, start shooting!"

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