"I think I have the right to know what's going on."

Gu jiuci's face sank down and said solemnly.

A quiet subconsciously looked at Tang Yu, see Tang Yu nodded, just put [new pen interest Pavilion www.biqule.co ]The mobile phone returned Gu jiuci.

"In the afternoon, the unpublished footage of you and Fei Ming and Du Fanghua was leaked to the Internet by fans. The leaked fan claimed to be your fan. I'm still in the process of contacting the fans' Support Association for investigation. Don't worry too much. Those people on the Internet don't pay attention to swearing. You'd better not read it. "

Tang Yu pinched his eyebrows and sighed.

Gu jiuci, on the other hand, has opened her microblog. She wants to see what's going on online.

As a result, as soon as I opened the microblog, I received countless private messages abusing me.

It was Fei Ming and Du Fanghua's fans who sent her a private message. The contents of the abuse were almost ugly.

"Fangfang's eyelashes: you want to be crazy, don't you? Even the unpublished footage?

@Feiming baby is mine: why bother my family Feiming, I wish you paste through the heart of the earth!

... "

Gu jiuci scanned these private letters in a hurry, and then searched his name. As expected, he saw a large number of marketing numbers.

"Shenba entertainment circle V: the most beautiful hour light" was leaked, and it was suspected that the mother band was exposed. Gu jiuci apologized to her fans. Did she want to be crazy? "JPG * 12"

Gu jiuci points out 12 pictures. This marketing number explains the beginning and end of the time with a long microblog.

First, a fan with Gu jiuci's name on his ID uploaded a video. Because it contained Du Fanghua and Fei Ming, a large number of forwarding and comments were triggered. When the forwarding volume was astonishing, the fans of the two families reacted. It seemed that this was an unpublished clip. All fans immediately strongly condemned Gu jiuci, but Gu jiuci's support group had no way to defend himself, so they had to go around Sorry.

However, the anger of fans has just subsided. The "Gu jiuci fan" who released the video suddenly sent a long micro blog apology, claiming that he was also good for Gu jiuci, so he could not help exposing the clip and asking for everyone's forgiveness. But the "apology microblog" immediately caused a bigger shock.

Some gourd eaters suddenly picked out this micro blog segment, which was directly picked out from the mother belt. Several fans immediately exploded.

"@ gourd eater: whose fans are so fierce that they can intercept the video directly from the mother belt? I'm afraid it's not Gu jiuci, is it?

@Walking second uncle: my God! Is this a dream of red, crazy? Just a little popular with the audience, do you direct and play hype? I'm going to vomit!

@Feiming Baobao: Please director @ Li Le'an to return Gu jiuci and let the little bitch kowtow and apologize!

@Fanghua peerless: @ Gu jiuci, little bitches, be a person before you become an actor. If you want to be red without bottom line, you will only get through the heart of the earth! "

the outrage of fans immediately attracted the attention of the official broadcasting platforms. Several satellite TV stations, including network platforms, have issued statements saying that the leaked clips will never be broadcast officially, calling on everyone not to disclose the video.

Gu jiuci saw here and frowned fiercely. This series of operations, absolutely can't be the accidental behavior of fans, it must be someone deliberately harassing her.

At this time, Tang Yu's mobile phone suddenly rings.

"Well, we'll be there in a minute."

Tang Yu frowned, just said a word, the other party hung up the phone.

Gu jiuci's uneasiness widened, and Tang Yu's ugly face opened his mouth.

"Director Li is very angry. Now he asks all the actors to hold a meeting in the hotel hall and announce the solution to this matter. ADI, we may have to prepare for the worst!"

Even Tang Yu said this kind of words, the matter has reached a very serious point!

Ten minutes later, in the conference room of the hotel hall,

when Gu jiuci arrived, he Jin was stopped by the deputy director at the door, and he Jin spoke coldly.

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