Jiang Min and Xu Yuner's eyes flashed with excitement. Everyone present had the same answer in their hearts. Li Le'an always had strict rules and said no two words. This time, Gu jiuci was finished!

"I announced that in view of the leak of the unpublished footage, first, I will readjust the script with Shuya's screenwriter and revise the plot this time. Second, Jiang Min, this is the end of your story. You can leave tonight! "

After Li Le'an finished his last sentence, the whole audience was shocked. Everyone's eyes widened and their mouth opened wide. It was totally unbelievable that everyone seemed to freeze.

"What... What?"

Jiang Min instantly thought that she had heard the wrong thing. She was staring at director Li Le'an. What's the matter? Shouldn't Gu jiuci be the one who was expelled? Why become yourself?

"Director, did you mispronounce your name? Is this not Gu jiuci's fault? "

Zhang Tao, Jiang Min's agent, was the first to react and stood up in indignant protest.

"Hum! Who is responsible for this matter? I think you should ask your artists. "

Li Le'an snorted coldly and swept Jiang Min's eyes with profound meaning.

Zhang Tao was stunned and then turned to look at Jiang min.

"Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

"What does it have to do with... With me?"

Jiang Min quickly denied, but in the end, there are still some guilty heart, said some stuttering, but also deliberately avoided the broker's eyes.

As soon as Zhang Tao saw Jiang Min's reaction, he had the bottom of his mind. The rich second generation didn't discuss with him again!

"Well, since there is no objection, let's end the meeting."

Li Le'an said he was about to stand up. Jiang Min was flustered and suddenly stood up.

"Director, why should Gu jiuci do something wrong and ask me to take the blame? It's not fair! Is it because Gu jiuci's backstage is big, did you yield to the gold Lord behind her? "

This is not only Jiang Min's idea, but also the other people present. Their eyes at Gu jiuci have become alert and alienated.


Li Le'an, who was ready to leave, turned back and looked sarcastically at Jiang min.

"The content of this master tape was shot by group a this afternoon. Why don't you tell me that you, an actor from group B, suddenly come to group A for what?"

As soon as the director's voice fell, people looked at Jiang Min suspiciously. Was there something else hidden about it?

Jiang Min's heart was suddenly flustered and faltered.

"I'm here to play. Is it against the law? Isn't there monitoring on the scene, and so many people can testify for me, I didn't do anything! Director, you have to show evidence! "

Jiang Min gradually regained her composure. After all, the on-site monitoring had been washed off, and she did not do it herself.

"The on-site monitoring images have been deliberately cleaned out, but you forget that the place where we shot is the campus, and there is our own monitoring in the campus. What exactly does this monitoring record? I think you should know it in your mind? Do you want me to show it to you in front of everyone? "

Li Le'an calmly scolded. Jiang Min's face turned pale when he heard that there was still a period of monitoring, and he fell on the chair.

It's over! She is the real end!

As soon as we saw Jiang Min's reaction, we immediately understood that Jiang Min framed Gu jiuci! Some of the staff's expression is even more angry, these days catch up with the progress, all of them are working overtime, and the pictures that are hard to make are destroyed by Jiang min.

Some people even talked in a low voice.

"I said how could Gu jiuci do such a stupid thing? It turns out that Jiang Min is behind the scenes."

"As soon as Jiang Min joined the cast, I felt that something was wrong with her!"

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