"What a beautiful battle! I don't think you saw it at that time. Jiang Min's face is white! "


Gu jiuci nodded lightly and went to the sofa to sit down.

"Jiang Min has a simple mind and is not even aware of being treated as a murderer's knife."

Ah'ai's face became serious at once.

"My God, you mean there's someone else behind this? Who is it? "

"Think about it carefully, and guess?"

Gu jiuci is very interested in looking at ah Qi, who is retired as a special police officer, thinking very fast.

"Is it Xu yun'er? Just now mi'an spoke for you, but she didn't say a word as your cousin. And when the director exposed Jiang Min just now, I found that her face was particularly ugly!"

Gu jiuci looks at ah Jing with satisfaction and nods.

"Not bad, not bad, we ah - Jing is more and more intelligent!"

"Of course Ah Jing smiles with pride and turns to be serious: "shall we fight back? Xu yun'er is like a poisonous snake, hiding in the dark and giving you a fatal blow if you are cold. It's too dangerous for such a person to stay by your side!"

"Of course, this kind of poisonous snake needs to be cleaned up, but the time is not right. Wait a moment."

Gu jiuci opened his lips in a meaningful way and reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the table.

Tang Yu's action is very fast, in this matter continues to ferment for several hours, Tang Yu let the studio release a long micro blog.

"Gu jiuci studio V: the most beautiful hour light" has been leaked. Thank you for your concern and supervision. We have only one sentence: injustice! Jpg "

in this long micro blog, three things have been explained to the fans. First, the ID of the leaked video is not Gu jiuci's fans, but the vest of the well-known water army company of the whole network. Second, he picked out the frequent contacts between the vest and a bank account, and found that the bank account was related to a company. Third, the statement has found that the person who really stole the mother belt has been handed over to the crew.

at the same time, the awesome hour group also released a statement to the force, saying that people who had already discovered the real video were punished and punished. Gu jiuci's accusation of injustice is corroborated.

"The most beautiful time V: statement announcement, Mu orange, you are wronged. Jpg "

these two microblogs have been released, which immediately aroused the enthusiasm of fans and gourd eaters. Gu jiuci's official backup association is even more riveted to forward the video, which is bound to let the whole network see the truth.

Members of the same crew, including Du Fanghua and Fei Ming, also forwarded the news one after another, finally calming down the angry public opinion.

"Fanghua Jueyi: unexpectedly, I witnessed a drama group gongdou opera, and I feel sorry for my unreasonable behavior.

@Passerby Wang: I almost wronged a good man. I don't know if Gu jiuci is too good or who is in the way. A woman No. 3 will be taken out and framed.

@Every day love egg tarts: what kind of beautiful, powerful and miserable people set up? I suddenly have some powder turning little sister. What's going on? "

before going to bed, Gu jiuci looked at her micro blog, but her private message still exploded, but the content became the apology of all fans. At last the matter was settled satisfactorily.

After Jiang Min left, Xu Yuner did not dare to do it himself. The atmosphere of the crew became harmonious and beautiful. Gu jiuci devoted himself to acting and learned a lot of acting skills from his predecessors.

She learned so fast that many of her predecessors praised her. And "the most beautiful hour light" also quickly broadcast to the third episode, with the progress of the plot, more and more new people in the crew are seen.

As expected, as Gu Jiushi knew in his previous life, Mian stood out with his acting skills. However, Gu jiuci didn't expect that the fate of Mian was coming so quickly...

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