"Lin Hao, are you crazy? I'm your girlfriend. You asked me to accompany Mr. Huang? "

"Mia, I can't help it! Mr. Huang promised me that he would only let you drink and would not do anything else. I promise you, just this one time, OK? After this time, you can get the heroine

Lin Hao endures to coax mi'an. In the past, as long as he has a gentle attitude, Mian will certainly agree.

However, this time, Mian resolutely shook off Lin Hao's hand and scoffed.

"Lin Hao! Don't lie to me any more. Do you really think I don't know that you went to gamble again and owed millions of gambling debts? Are you still a man, let your women go out to sell? "

"Mia! You are my girlfriend. I owe you money. Why don't you share it with me? "

Lin Hao lost his patience completely. Once his face sank, he had to use strong.

Gu jiuci immediately gives a look to a Qiao. Ah Qiao can't see it any longer. He rushes up and kicks Lin Hao a few meters away.


Lin Hao screamed. He couldn't stand up for half a day.

"Who the hell is that?"

"It's your aunt and I!"

A quiet maliciously scolds a way, if not a CI to stop, she already can't help.

At this time, Gu jiuci stepped forward, looked down at Lin Hao, and slowly spit out a word.

"Ah, I'll fight again. I'll pay for it."


After hearing the speech, ah Jing immediately moved his muscles and bones, and pulled Lin Hao up from the ground like a chicken. With another solid fist, he directly turned Lin Hao into a pig's head.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Lin Hao was so scared that he begged for mercy, and ah Jing gave a cold hum and threw him to the ground.

"Are you all right?"

Gu jiuci looks at mi'an. The other party is scared and still pale.

"I'm fine, ADI. Thank you."

At the moment, Mian saw her as if she had grasped the straw.

"Mia, I'm your boyfriend. Are you watching

Lin Hao, the scum man, still has the face to blame Mian at this time.

Gu jiuci angrily glances at Lin Hao and looks at mi'an. It is said that mi'an has deep feelings for this ex boyfriend in his previous life. She really can't guess what kind of reaction mi'an will be.

"Lin Hao, from today on, I'm not your girlfriend. From now on, let's go back to the bridge and back to the road."

Mian's eyes flashed with strong disgust and a resolute voice.

Lin Hao's face suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, the meek and even some cowardly Mian dared to break up with himself.

"Hum! Break up with me? Mia, don't you think about it. Who gave you your glory today? If it wasn't for me, could you sign up with a brokerage? Can you get into this crew? "


as a spectator, Gu jiuci laughed angrily. This man is really shameless!

And Lin Hao this words, also let Mi an thoroughly see the truth, made the most right choice.

"Lin Hao, do you really think that I don't know the scandal between you and Jingjing?"

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