Gu jiuci's return to Huo's old house this time is totally different from that of the previous one.

As soon as she entered the door, Huo's mother came straight to her with a smile, and warmly took her hand to walk into the living room.

"ADI, I have already spelled out the magic cube you sent me last time. It takes an hour. Dare you compare it with me?"

Gu jiuci's eyes fell on their intertwined arms and looked back at the big demon king standing alone at the door.

Does mother Huo forget the big devil?

The man stood in the porch for a few seconds. Seeing that their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had been chatting harmoniously on the sofa, the corners of his lips could not help rising. Once upon a time, he thought that he would never see this scene in his life.

On the sofa, Gu jiuci quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Auntie, recently, there is a very interesting case detection app, which really tests IQ. I just solved the second case. Do you want to try it?"

"What's your name, Auntie? Call mom

Huo's mother pretends to seriously correct Gu jiuci. During this period, she has heard about Gu jiuci's performance. Now she has accepted Gu jiuci in her heart.


Gu jiuci's face turned red. In the face of Huo's sudden request, she was still a little embarrassed. However, a burst of happiness filled her heart, and her efforts to revive her life were not in vain.

Finally, under the eyes of mother Huo, she called her mother in a low voice.

When Huo Meimei came in from the outside, she happened to see this scene. Her face was livid.

"Great aunt! One thing... "

Huo Meimei immediately yelled and walked toward her mother. Today, she vowed to tear this bitch's face in front of her.

Gu jiuci and Huo's mother smell the speech and look back at Huo Meimei at the same time.

"What's the matter?"

"In fact, gu..."

"that Meimei said she was too hungry. Since all the people are here, let me ask everyone to come down for dinner?"

As soon as Huo Meimei opened her mouth, she was suddenly interrupted by her mother, who tried to wink at her and warn her not to be a demon.

Although Huo's mother felt a little strange, Huo Meimei certainly didn't mean to talk about it, but she was not a meddler. She didn't ask any more questions. She just nodded and asked her relatives to go upstairs and ask her grandfather Huo to come down for dinner.

"In my opinion, we can solve this case after dinner."

"Good. [new pen interest Pavilion ]"

Gu jiuci nodded lightly and stood up with her mother Huo. Her side eyes looked at Huo Meimei with a meaningful look. If she remembered correctly, Huo Meimei had just mentioned her surname.

"Hum! Gu jiuci, you won't be proud for long! "

With her eyes on each other, Huo Meimei speaks with your mouth.

Gu jiuci doesn't pay attention to it. Huo Meimei is not as good as Jiang Min in playing tricks. She doesn't care.

When eating, Gu jiuci just picked up his chopsticks and looked at the South American prawn. There was a peeled South American prawn in the bowl.

She is a part of the head, sure enough, the big devil around is the industry of shrimp peeling, men are meticulous busy, but the rest of the table look silly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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