Gu jiuci mouth corner has a moment of stiffness, standing on one side of Tang Yu heart mercilessly a sudden, suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Yes," Lang Ya Zhuan "is a big IP, how popular it is. I think the company is always doing video websites. I should have heard of it. I'm going to sign an exclusive agreement with you. Langya is only broadcast on your platform.

Although Penguin video has a lot of traffic at present, I think the company should always be aware that high-quality content is the basis for the survival of a website. Kiwi fruit and mango video jointly bought the webcasting right of "Qingyun Ji". Only our "Langya Zhuan" can compete with "Qingyun Ji."

Gu jiuci said naturally.

Tang Yu couldn't help but quietly gave Gu jiuci a compliment. What he said was really good. If he was the Secretary for the night, he would like to buy it.

"It sounds like a really good collaboration."

The Secretary nodded to the point at night, but did not immediately agree, but also pause for a while.


Si Ye slowly spat out two words. Gu jiuci's face slightly sank. It seems that it's time to come...

sure enough, Siye said in the next second.

"It seems that Miss Gu didn't say everything, did she? I just heard that there was a big event at the investment promotion conference of "Lang Ya Zhuan". Fei Ming, the male leading actor, is haunted by scandal. A play to be broadcast is not only a half discount, I'm afraid, but also more than a 50% discount for the future performance of this play? "

The atmosphere in the office suddenly froze, and there was a quiet needle drop around.

Tang Yu's heart immediately jumped to his throat. It seems that the news spread so fast. The Secretary knew that the news had spread so quickly. The reason why he still met with ah Ci was that he was worried about the face of his family...

now he would like to leave with a CI immediately. Instead of cooperation, he was uncovered on the spot. It was really a shame.

"A CI, we..."

as Tang Yugang opened his mouth, Gu jiuci raised his hand, interrupted his words, and looked at Si Ye calmly.

"Do you mean to say that if Fei Ming's scandal is solved, you can talk to me about this business?"

Si Ye hears the speech, and then he raises his eyes and carefully looks at the girl in front of him. He originally thought that Gu jiuci would leave in shame and indignation after being ripped out by himself. Unexpectedly, she could still be so calm. He also exchanged concepts with him and continued to play circuitous tactics.

"Miss Gu, you are changing concepts with me..."

Si Ye gave a slight smile, but Gu jiuci's expression was serious.

"Mr. Secretary, I don't have much time. Since you already know what happened at the investment promotion conference, let's talk about it. If I can clarify for Fei Ming within three days, I can guarantee that his personal affairs will never affect the popularity of Langya Zhuan.

Do you have the courage to do this business with me? "

When Gu jiuci said the last word, he even took a look at the Secretary night with a very arrogant eyebrow.

Originally Si Ye didn't put Gu Jiu CI in his heart, but at this stage, the man's competitive heart was easily stimulated.

"I dare not. As long as Miss Gu can solve the problem within three days, we will sign a contract immediately, and I will let you open the amount! "

Secretary night straightforward mouth, even do not care about the amount of words are said.

On one side, Tang Yu's heart seems to have made a roller coaster ride. He really doesn't understand the rich people's world. Are they playing so big?

"No problem. Wish us a happy cooperation."

Gu nine words curved lips a smile, in the eye flashed you a touch of calculation, take the initiative to extend a hand, want to shake hands with the Secretary night.

Did not expect Secretary night's face even slightly showed a trace of fear, and did not reach out.

Gu jiuci Leng for a while, hard not become secretary night also with big demon king, have disgusting female disease? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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