When she thought about this, she put down her hand with a smile, and said in a big way: "then, after three days, we will celebrate our cooperation with the general manager!"

"Well, I'm looking forward to it, too."

Seeing Gu jiuci take his hand back, Si Ye seems to be relieved.

"Then we'll go first."

Gu jiuci simply said hello and turned away.

Wait until the office door closed, Secretary night just long relaxed breath, wiped the cold sweat of the forehead, said to himself.

"Fortunately, I didn't shake hands with my sister-in-law, otherwise my elder brother would have killed me if he knew it!"

Secretary night mumble voice just fell, the mobile phone rang, a look at the caller ID, it is really big brother, Huo Mingche!

He made a little psychological preparation, only to be brave enough to get through the phone. As soon as he came up, he said a lot.

"Elder brother, don't force me. I'm a man of principle. I won't do business at a loss. You're the favorite wife, but you can't pull me up ~"

in fact, Gu jiuci didn't know that this mysterious Secretary night was also one of Huo Mingche's brothers in life and death, but he was more personality than others, and he was not afraid of death...

at that time, he learned that Gu jiuci and The news of the eldest brother's engagement is just like Ye Kan's, and he does not approve of it.

On the night of the wedding banquet, he went to the scene to see the little sister-in-law in person. Although she was indeed the first beauty in the imperial capital, in the eyes of a straight man who only looked at interests, beauty could not be used as food.

I didn't expect that now, the boss would call in person and ask him to buy the copyright of the biography of Langya. At this time, his anger immediately came up! "However, my sister-in-law has already come to me, and she asked me to make a bet, and I agreed to sign a contract with her when she asked to settle the hero's affair within three days. This is what my sister-in-law said, but I didn't force her!

I also want to see if this little sister-in-law is worthy of you, isn't she? It's up to her to make it. "

But in the end, the Secretary for the night or survival of the strong desire to add a few words.

After several seconds, just when he was sweating, the man on the phone opened his lips slowly, and his voice was very firm.

"She will do it."

"Are you so confident? Do you want to help again? "

Secretary night immediately suspicious of the mouth.

"She doesn't need it."

The man's voice rang out before the voice of the night voice dropped, and he never doubted for a second.

Huo Mingche's determined tone made the Secretary night slightly stunned for a second. Although he had just seen the courage and difference of his sister-in-law, he still had a big question mark in his heart.

"I'll wait and see, big brother."


On the other side of the ocean, the palace of fog capital.

Huo Mingche hung up the phone, Lin Shujing walked slowly from behind him.

"Ah Che, her Royal Highness has agreed to exchange African stars with us. The exchange ceremony is about to begin. You can't be distracted. Come with me."

The man put away his mobile phone, his eyes light way.


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