"Yang Xiuwen carefully designed such a big trap, how can I find evidence, but he forgot that Liu An such a rotten person, the most care about the head regardless of the tail. Since he can do such things to Fei Ming, he can naturally do such things with other people.

Public opinion doesn't care about concrete evidence, it only cares about morality, who is the good man. As soon as the news came out, everyone would be so angry at Fei Ming. As long as I prove that all this is a conspiracy, and Liu An is not a thing, the matter will be solved. "

Gu jiuci slowly explained to Tang Yu.

"Brother Tang, in the future, we jiuche will often encounter such problems, you should also study hard."

Gu jiuci looked at Tang Yu and said.

After today's press conference, her identity, as well as jiuche's entertainment, will not be small and transparent in the circle. There is no elephant hiding behind the ants. Soon, all kinds of hidden arrows will attack them.

"Yes, boss!"

Tang Yu looks a Su, specially uses the most formal address to Gu Jiu CI.

"Recently, I will reorganize the public relations team and speed up the collection of information of major companies. I will never fight a battle without preparation."

This time, the reason why they were so calculated by Yang Xiuwen at the investment promotion conference was that they all suffered from the poor information.


Gu jiuci nodded with satisfaction, and Tang Yu's advantage was that he could quickly adapt to the changes, and he also made plans in line with the artist's development path. This is what she needs most.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the little artists brought back from the stars?"

Tang Yu asked coldly.

"What do you think of this group of artists?"

Gu jiuci asked directly.

"Although Liu An is a rotten man, he has a good eye for picking people. I think these children are all beautiful. They have a lot of talents. Do you want to leave some of them for us to sign?"

Mention these artists, Tang Yu's agent occupational disease again, but this time, his idea and Gu jiuci coincide.

"Sign it all."

Gu Jiu's words are light.

"All? There are more than a dozen! Is it too much? "

"No, the development of love bean culture in Chinese culture and entertainment circles is too slow. I'll fill in the fire."

Gu jiuci speaks with deep meaning. She remembers that in her previous life, when she was in prison, there was a wind of imitating the idol groups of the baseball country. Various talent shows were in full swing. She remembers that the first generation of idol groups was on fire for a long time.

"Brother Tang, you go back to find a group of teachers and train them well. After a period of time, it's a dragon or a worm. It's their own choice."


Tang Yu had a premonition that Gu jiuci was going to do something big.

While speaking, the car has arrived at the headquarters of penguin video.

This time, Gu jiuci did not enter the door, immediately a front desk came to open the door for her and welcomed her with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Gu!"

It was the front desk that opened the door for her, but her attitude changed greatly and her face was full of gratitude.

"Hello, Miss Gu. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

The secretary was waiting at the door early in the morning. Seeing Gu jiuci coming, he rushed to meet him.

"Well, let's go."

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