Seeing this scene, everyone laughed.

"Finally, I have something else to say. Please aim all the cameras at me!"

Finally, at the end of the press conference, Gu jiuci walked to the center of the stage and said suddenly.

The reporters on the stage subconsciously did what Gu jiuci said, aiming at her one after another.

"In front of all the reporters in the imperial capital, I leave my words here today! Jiuche entertainment is a young company just started, but it is definitely not a bullying company.

I've always had a bad temper and I'm not easy to get into! Some industry colleagues are advised not to provoke me! I can't be wronged. Who plays tricks on me? Don't blame me for repaying me a hundred times! "

When she said this, Gu jiuci raised her chin slightly, and her voice was very cold. She seemed to have an invisible air-conditioning all over her body, which could not be seen through the people present.

Even Si Ye's breath was uncomfortable for a while. He felt such a powerful aura only in front of his elder brother.

"It seems that from today on, Gu jiuci is more than just an actor. In the future shopping mall, I'm afraid there will be another character stirring the storm."

Si Ye clapped along with everyone, and gave a meaningful evaluation.

At this point, a well-designed press conference of Fei Ming and Gu jiuci was perfectly reversed by her.

When Gu jiuci takes people down from the stage, everyone subconsciously divides them into two sides, making way for Gu jiuci to pass by.

The whole scene is like the Hei Taoist father in the movie.

Gu jiuci quickly walked to the door, slightly raised his eyes, and the second floor corridor side of the Secretary night across the air.

Secretary night not stingy up the thumb, smile admire.

Gu jiuci slightly tilted his head and left with his feet.

As soon as they walked out of the hotel, the Secretary of the night rushed to invite them.

"Miss Gu, your performance today is really wonderful. Our company always wants to invite you to the headquarters for a chat. Do you have this time?"

"Of course I have time."

Gu jiuci and Tang Yu look at each other, pick eyebrows and smile.

"That's very kind of you. Please get in the car."

The Secretary of the night heard Gu jiuci's affirmative answer, and was immediately relieved. After all, he had just seen Gu jiuci's big sister's aura. He was afraid that Gu jiuci would refuse.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. You can go back first."

Gu jiuci refused the Secretary's invitation to pick up the car, and turned to explain with Fei Ming.

"Fei Ming, although today opened your most embarrassing scar, but since then, no one can stop you."

She looked at Fei Ming and said.

"ADI, I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I will try my best to make the film, and it will never be affected."

Fei Ming's eyes are bright, looking relieved, much better than before.

"That's good. You go back first. I have something to do."

Gu jiuci put down his heart and went to penguin video headquarters with Tang Yu.

Along the way, Tang Yu also praised Gu jiuci's public relations.

"Ah Ci, you are so good. I have been looking for evidence for Fei Ming for the past three days, but Liu An is so strict that I can't find anything. I'm afraid you can't find it either

"I really don't find evidence that Liu An and Fei Ming have nothing to do with each other."

Gu jiuci, who is closing his eyes and resting, speaks faintly.

"Ah? If you don't have evidence, do you dare to take Fei Ming to the scene? Why? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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