"Have you seen the baseball talent show, pick101?"

"Yes! I also voted for the first place

Mr. Siye immediately replied that, as the boss of a video website, he is different from those who don't care about the affairs of the world. He knows the hot spots in the entertainment industry like the palm of his hand. In order to study the psychology of the otaku audience, he specially watched the talent shows of Asian countries.

"Have you ever thought that the domestic Aidou market can be developed in this way? Mango is backed by mango TV station. Kiwi fruit has its own program production team for a long time. Only penguin has not had its own exclusive content and program? "

Gu jiuci's emphasis on tone analysis, straight hit Si Ye's pain point.

"My sister-in-law fortunately did not open a video website, otherwise I am afraid I will have a terrible enemy."

Secretary night some of the evaluation of fear.

"No wonder the elder brother said so firmly that you must be able to deal with this matter. As expected, the person who knows you best is still him."

"Big devil... Brother Che came to see you for my business?"

Gu jiuci was stunned when he heard his speech, and his heart suddenly seemed to be caught by something.

He didn't even know the whole story, so he unconditionally chose her...

"yes, but I didn't fear to refuse. After all, I also wanted to see what the little sister-in-law could do to capture the elder brother. Now, fortunately, my sister-in-law and I are not enemies, but partners. "

The Secretary night chat up the chat of say.

"I will break your prejudices one by one."

Gu jiuci raised his head and said with pride.

She must be the best and never let him down.

After that, Gu jiuci and Si Ye talked about the plan of pick101 in detail. They signed another contract on the spot. This time, Siye personally sent Gu jiuci downstairs, which shocked the whole building staff.

What kind of charm does this new actor named Gu jiuci have? Even the general manager is so respectful to her?

"Little sister-in-law, I hope we can cooperate happily!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Gu jiuci gradually closed the window and ordered Tang Yu in a good mood.

"Brother Tang, let's go back to the crew. We can't delay shooting this afternoon."


The scenery outside the window is rapidly retrogressive, from prosperous to desolate. Gu jiuci remembers what Si ye said before. Since the great demon king can contact Si ye, does it mean that he is coming back soon?

She turned out her mobile phone, called up the wechat interface, and edited a piece of text, but after thinking about it, she deleted one word after another.

Hum! Why can't you take the initiative to send a message to me every time?


as soon as she returned to the crew, she immediately gathered with Gu jiuci. Although she didn't say anything, she was worried about the result of her trip to penguin video.

Gu jiuci, therefore, has no expression on his face. Lu Xing, in a hurry, jumps straight.

"What's the result? You say it

"Even if we fail, it doesn't matter. We can still think about something else."

Du Fanghua observes Gu jiuci's expression and thinks it's yellow, so he comforts him.

"How can you fail?"

Gu jiuci finally couldn't help laughing and held up the contract in his hand.

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