"Penguin video's exclusive cooperation, won!"


As soon as her voice fell, everyone was happy to jump up. Although she just won an webcast right, she finally made a way out.

"Next, we must complete the shooting task on time, and never lose the chain!"

"Don't worry! Make sure you get the job done

The whole crew was jubilant, and Gu jiuci went to the dressing room to make up.

At this time, Fei Ming comes out from another room, and several other actors come to care for him.

Gu jiuci takes his eyes back. It seems that letting the whole drama group watch the live broadcast has played a very good role ~

in fact, the effect of this live broadcast is far beyond Gu jiuci's expectation. An hour after the live broadcast, Fei Ming became the number one hot spot, and the number of fans of personal microblog soared by 300000 instantly.

Tang Yu asked the public relations team, at the same time, with the official accounts of Langya biography and jiuche entertainment, to issue an announcement statement, saying that he would fight to the end, calling on everyone to resist the previous rules of the entertainment industry.

All the fans who used to disdain Fei Ming because of this incident are back now. Even some passers-by who watched the live broadcast also turned fans and forwarded official microblogs to fight against Fei Ming's injustice.

To Gu jiuci's surprise, many male and female stars in the circle have forwarded the proposal of microblogging. This private affair between jiuche entertainment and Star Entertainment has set off a wave of resistance to the previous rules.

nine tiktok entertainment has come to the public's career. Some people have spoken the last paragraph of the nine words to a short video, which has been circulated on micro-blog's vibrant voice and other social platforms.

#Gu jiuci, the hegemonic president of the company, has also quickly entered the hot search lists of major platforms. Many people have been flattered by Gu jiuci's overbearing image.

In the evening, return to the hotel.

Gu jiuci sits in front of the chair to take off her make-up, and a Jing reads her netizen's message excitedly.

"Everyone praises you in a fancy way. This fan said," I can't believe that learning from God is still a tyrannical president. When God created people, it was too biased? "

"There is a male fan who calls you husband, ha ha ha ha!"

Ah Jing laughs back and forth, praising fans one by one.

"I think your micro blog is more popular than Fei Ming, but some people have guessed your identity in the comments."

"Yes, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide your identity for a long time."

One side of Tang Yu hastened to answer the way.

"But we've been laying the groundwork before, and we haven't seen any negative comments on a large scale."

"I don't need to hide it for a long time. When the story of Langya is broadcast, just open it."

Gu jiuci took off the last earring and opened his lips carelessly.

"Yes! When the audience sees your acting skills, they will know that you have come to this day, relying on strength! Is it a luxury? It's just icing on the cake

Ah Jing nodded suddenly and turned it on when passing the TV. What a coincidence, it was the financial channel before...

"according to the news from Taiwan, Huo Mingche, President of Huo's group, and his vice president went to Wudu to exchange legendary jewelry with the queen... African star. At the exchange ceremony, the queen expressed her sincere wishes to the two lovers...

Gu jiuci's brow was severely frowned. The word "lover" is so harsh!

"This financial channel is always full of feces. Please don't watch it!"

Ah Jing comes to turn off the TV in a hurry. However, it's late. Gu jiuci just looks at the TV and sees the picture of the queen putting the African star on Lin Shujing.

At this time, the camera is particularly clear about Huo Mingche. It happens that Huo Mingche's cold face is extremely gentle...

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