"Is this the right man you sent? Four big men can't catch Gu jiuci? Can't catch an unarmed woman? "

Xu yun'er is angry and ferocious looking at the mother in the video phone, without any disguise of sarcasm.

Su Furong for the first time saw her daughter so out of control. Even through the video, she felt her daughter's violence, which was quite different from the previous clever girl.

"Yun'er, don't be so angry. Who knows Gu jiuci will fall into the pit. Our plan is seamless, and the little bitches are tough! Don't worry, mom will try again! "

"It's too late. Gu jiuci didn't die, and Huo Mingche was saved. It's more serious than I imagined."

Originally, she arranged for Gu jiuci to have three blacks and four or five cameras specially arranged. Originally, she planned to record a wonderful tape for Huo Mingche to enjoy.

But now, a good big play finally bubble soup not to say, the result also let Huo Mingche personally saved Gu jiuci!

Gu jiuci made such a big thing, Huo Mingche would never let it go easily. He would definitely investigate it thoroughly. In case he found her head?

Xu yun'er clenched her fist and felt like a cave in the hot weather.

"Mom, did you deal with those people yesterday?"

Su Furong replied quickly.

"They've been paid off, and then they'll go abroad immediately. They're absolutely tight lipped."

"How can a living man keep his mouth shut? It's too naive of you to live so old? "

Xu yun'er chuckles and looks ferocious.

"Yun'er, you..."

Su Furong, your eyes widened with consternation. I really didn't expect that her gentle daughter would say such words.

"Do you think that with Huo Mingche's skill, who can't be found and fled abroad? Even if you escape to the moon, you can't escape from his palm! "

"So you mean..."

Su Furong looks pale. She thinks of a possibility, but she can't imagine it is her daughter's idea.

"Only the dead can keep their mouths shut. Do you want me to teach you?"

Xu yun'er looks at her mother impatiently and opens her mouth in a cold voice.

"Yun'er! How can you talk to your mother like that? How long has it been since you've been so hard hearted? "

Su Furong's life is to cheat on eating and drinking, loading green tea white lotus, but her hands are not really stained with blood, in front of her daughter, let her feel strange, even some terrible.

"If you don't kill them, we will die! Mom, are you getting older and softer? "

"Yun'er, you haven't been so violent and rude before...

a trace of sadness flashed on Su Furong's face.

"What was I like before? A look of flattering Gu jiuci, a look of caring for his servants! How can Gu jiuci be arrogant and despotic? How can Gu jiuci play his temper and do what he wants?

Mom, didn't you say I was going to be a big family? So I won't bear it any more! I've had a good time with Gu Jiu! "

The more Xu yun'er said, the more fierce on his face.

In the video phone, Su Furong sighs.

"Mom knows, mom will do what you say."

Hearing this sentence, Xu yun'er nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, mom, Huo Mingche will not give up on this matter. Can you make your plan faster? Won't be discovered by Gu Qingyuan? "

Mention Gu Qingyuan, Su Furong's face flashed a trace of contempt.

"Don't worry, he is already sick and bedridden. Recently, he began to be delirious. I will get the suicide note soon...

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