Huo ma make complaints about the opening of the heat preservation barrel.

"Well, you and Mingche are so unlucky. You and Mingche can't live with the pit since childhood, haven't you?"

"Since childhood?"

Gu jiuci is keen to catch the key words in Huo's mother's words. Isn't this the first time she fell into a deep pit?

All of a sudden, she sounded a picture in her mind before she fainted.

"Yes! At that time, you and Mingche were kidnapped at the same time. We looked for them, but we couldn't find them. If it wasn't for you crying, we didn't know, those damned villains! I've thrown both of you into a pit

As soon as Huo's mother thought of the past, she became more and more angry.

Gu jiuci's pupil suddenly enlarged, which should have been a deep memory. Why didn't she have any impression?

"What's the matter? Why don't I have the slightest impression? "

"At that time, you were only five years old, and it was normal if you didn't remember it, but you still remember the child clearly..."

Huo dad then said with regret.

"He had claustrophobia since he was a child, and thanks to the person who stayed with him at that time, it was you..."


Gu jiuci was buzzing all over his brain, and the amount of information was a little large. When she was five years old, she was kidnapped with the devil? And one of them was thrown into the pit?

He has no influence on this matter, but the great devil always remembers it?

"Ah Che, a child who was a child without relatives, has been very different to you after that. In retrospect, he might have taken a fancy to you at that time

Huo's mother has not noticed Gu jiuci's expression, while casually joking, while handing her the soup.

"In the morning, Mingche specially asked aunt ming to make the soup and told me to watch you drink it."


Gu jiuci's heart is full of sweetness. He temporarily presses down his doubts in his heart and holds up the bowl.

At this time, Huo's father also pulled a stool to sit on one side, expression some worry way.

"It seems that it's really dangerous in the entertainment industry. A CI, after shooting this play, do you want to consider coming to Hawthorne? You are Achel's wife. You must help him in the future.

It's just that Shujing is coming back. Let her take you to familiarize yourself with the company's business...

Gu jiuci has just taken a sip of soup. When he heard what Huo's father said, the corner of his lips immediately fell down, and Lin Shujing, a good bowl of soup, suddenly did not smell good.

It seems that the rumor is good. In the heart of Huo father, he always thinks that Lin Shujing is the most suitable person to be Huo Mingche's wife.

Only under the pressure and reality of the big devil, he hid this idea in the bottom of his heart.

I'm afraid that most of the members of the family and the whole family share the same ideas as Mr. Huo...

mom Huo quickly glanced at Gu jiuci's face and hit her husband with her elbow.

"Why are we poor enough to hire employees? Do you have to be on top of your grandmother? Young people have young people's careers. Don't make blind arrangements! "

"Yes, yes, my fault."

Huo dad's first reaction was to admit his mistake, but in his heart, he didn't feel wrong.

"I'm just making a suggestion. Besides, it's less risky to come to Huo's than to be a star. You forget that cloud Dynasty was..."

Before he finished speaking, Huo's mother immediately picked up a banana and blocked his mouth.

"ADI, don't listen to his nonsense. Let's eat!"


Gu nine words light voice should, in the heart pan doubt, at that time mother how? What's the meaning of Huo's father's words? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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