Gu jiuci ate three dishes, a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup under the supervision of Huo's mother. If Tang Yu saw this, he must have collapsed.

It happened that the nurse came to remind them to go through the discharge procedures. Gu jiuci emphasized that he was OK again and again, and the Huo parents were relieved.

"I'm just going to the company today. I don't have any itinerary. You can go back first."

"That line, remember to give clear a phone call, lest he worry."

"Let's go. Don't delay the company's business."

Huo's father thought Gu jiuci had something to do with the company, so he urged Huo's mother to leave.

Gu jiuci turns and gets on Tang Yu's car.

"Go to Dr. Allen."

A lot of things have come to her mind in the past few months, and she needs to see Dr. Allen for a good examination.

"Yes, I've been in touch for a long time."

Tang Yu hurriedly answered, and drove to the last physical examination institution.

Dr. Allen had been waiting in the hall for a special brain examination as soon as Gu jiuci arrived.

At the end of the examination, Gu jiuci sits in the lounge, waiting for Allen to come out with the results. Seeing that he was waiting for the report, he asked.

"Doctor, is there any way to find out what kind of medicine I took to cause the memory to disappear?"

"It's more difficult. It's been so many years since we can't detect what drugs you've taken."

Dr. Allen answered truthfully, and Gu jiuci gave a disappointed "Oh".

"But we can detect the residues of relevant ingredients, which are very rare, even in the international large laboratories, generally do not have them."

Hearing the speech, Gu jiuci immediately looked up at him.

"You mean you can find out where the drug came from, right? Can you find out who made this drug? "

"Well, at present, most laboratories are specialized in making drugs to restore memory. It is against the law and morality to make amnesia drugs. It is also a felony in the whole world.

So the range is small and it's easy to lock. It's just that a lot of experiments need to be done and a lot of money is involved. If these lost memories don't cause you great harm, I suggest you give up tracing. "

Alan held his glasses, rational analysis said.

"No, I'm afraid it will do me great harm soon."

Gu jiuci's eyes are deep and meaningful.

"Dr. Allen, money is not a problem. I want to ask you to help me find out the truth! Maybe it's my destiny in my life! "

Gu jiuci stares at Allen seriously. She has a kind of premonition. The person behind the scenes who gave her medicine must be a careful and terrible existence.

This kind of medicine only let her forget a few memory fragments, but the ordinary performance and completely can't see frustration, people around her can't find, let alone her own.

How can she feel at ease if she doesn't find out the person behind the scenes!

"Well, I will try my best to help me. My teacher has a special laboratory in the United States. Today I will call him and tell him about you. He is a very warm-hearted person and will certainly help."

Alan said kindly.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Allen!"

Gu jiuci expressed gratitude on his face.

At this time, her examination report finally came out. Ellen scanned his eyes carefully and said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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