The man slowly walked to the side, raised his hand to pick up the jewelry box, bent over,

carefully picked up those scattered fine diamonds and put them into the box.

Yu Guang pulled his shadow very long and lonely.

Finally, he finally fell to the ground with the box in his arms. The Broken Necklace looked like a broken heart?

Every time, when he thought that hope had finally come, it was a deeper despair.

She didn't think of anything, and the necklace was meaningless.

How much despair does one have to experience before giving up?

Outside the door,

Zhan Ying and ye Kan turn around anxiously.

"What? You said the boss would not commit suicide by swallowing gold in it

Ye Kan is guilty and flustered and grabs Zhan Ying's arm.

"Did you commit suicide by swallowing gold? The boss is definitely not like that... "

Zhan Yingyang wanted to give ye Kan a fist at first. However, before he could finish his words, the door of his study suddenly opened, and the temperature in the corridor dropped to freezing point. Shengsheng froze his movements and voices.

"To the boxing room."

The man's deep eyes are now suffused with terrible red, the voice is gloomy, and the faces of Zhan Ying and ye Kan suddenly change at the same time.

Every time the boss goes to the boxing room, what happens next is not only bloody...

"that... Boss, don't......

Zhan Yinggang tries to dissuade him, but Huo Mingche leaves without looking back.

"What can I do?"

Ye Kan is completely flustered, and he suddenly has an idea.

"Yes! The medicine that Shujing brought back! Zhan Ying, you should find a few people to resist, and I'll find out the medicine! "

As ye Kan said, he rushed downstairs...

jiuche entertainment,

Gu jiuci walked into the company with his suitcase, while letting his tears fall.

Just as sichen and Ji Weiran came out of the next room, they were shocked to see such Gu jiuci.

"Hi, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? "

Si Chen rushed forward to grab her suitcase with one hand and wipe the tears on her face with the other.

"Yes! Is she tired of living? "

Ji Weiran is also angry to comfort Gu jiuci.


Gu jiuci opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start. Seeing his good friend, his mood was even more broken.


seeing that she was crying even more, the two girls were shocked and took her back to the dormitory room and poured a cup of hot milk to coax her.

"I've never seen you cry like this before. Tell me slowly. What happened?"

At the thought of the picture in her mind, Gu jiuci suddenly lost control and buried himself in the pillow, choking in his voice.

"I'm ruined by the devil!"

Really sad, like a thousand knives constantly cutting her heart!

"No way! Huo Mingche so love you, all men in the world cheat, he will not cheat! "

Ji Weiran's first reaction is not to believe, Si Chen also patted Gu jiuci on the shoulder, low voice comfort.

"Are you wrong? Do you have to tell me exactly what happened? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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