"It's true. Can't my memory make mistakes..."

Gu jiuci was more aggrieved in his heart and raised his head to refute it. But in the middle of the speech, he suddenly stopped... After breaking down for such a long time, reason finally occupied the highland again.

Why does she think of such a strange memory?

"What memory is it? It's breaking you up like this? "

Ji Weiran, you immediately urged to ask.

"It suddenly occurred to me today..."

Gu jiuci sobbed and said all the things that happened today. However, both sichen and Ji Weiran are high IQ girls, and now they listen to it as bystanders, so they are not in a hurry to follow Gu jiuci to get angry.

"Don't you think it's a bit old-fashioned memory?"

"Yes, that's Lin Shujing's memory. Why do you think of it? Why don't they go out with each other and you listen to the corner

"I'm sick. I listen to what they're doing in the corner. How old I was then!"

Gu jiuci's subconscious retort, three faces at the same time embarrassed.

"But if you are not there, why can you think of other people's memories? Now romance novels don't write like this, is it too much? "

Si Chen followed the analysis.

"Yes... Did you have a concussion that day and confused your brain?"

Gu jiuci frowned fiercely. In fact, she was aware that something was wrong. However, she suddenly remembered this picture before, and what ye Kan said. Her mood was totally out of control, and she could not think of it.

"However, I did hear a lot of rumors when I watched the news and had tea parties with famous ladies recently..."

Ji Weiran suddenly frowned and said.

"Don't Mr. Huo and Lin Shujing often appear on the news recently. I have several friends whom I know. Their brothers and sisters used to be in a high school and a university with them. Recently, I talked about them. I heard that at that time, they were just like golden girls in the school, inseparable.

Moreover, because of Lin Shujing's special excellence, the girls in the school never dare to trouble her. They all regard them as a recognized pair. Everyone says that they can't believe that Huo Mingche is finally with you. "

Ji Weiran's words just confirm with Ye Kan's words, proving that ye Kan did not lie.

Gu jiuci just untied the heart, the moment and death blocked up.

"But a CI, you would not cry so fiercely and your mood would collapse in the past. Why did you...

at this time, Si Chen next to you looked at her with great significance.

"Because of me...

because I love him...

Gu jiuci's first reaction was to answer like this, but she was stupidly stunned at the mouth, so... She loved Huo Mingche!

She was surprised that the answer didn't need to be thought about.

The expression that Si Chen sees through one face.

"It seems that the answer in your mind is very clear. If you don't care about him, you don't need to be so angry. Angry enough to mind Huo Mingche's unconfirmed affair many years ago. "

"Tut Tut, who said that she was only forced to get married by engagement? How can I hear a slap in the face? "

Ji Weiran teases Gu jiuci and pokes her face on purpose.


Gu jiuci wanted to refute with good face, but his eyes caught a glimpse of the flowerpot on the windowsill. Although the flowers had already withered, the leaves were still flourishing and growing tenaciously.

The real experience of her and Huo Mingche that night is still fresh in my mind. The fact can't deceive people...

"I think you'd better ask Huo Mingche in person about this matter, and don't misunderstand because of a strange memory..."

sichen said with great foresight.

Gu jiuci was about to speak when her mobile phone rang rapidly. It was Zhan Ying who called.

As soon as she was connected, Zhan Ying's urgent voice rang out.

"Miss Gu! There's something wrong with the master

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