"Hello, Dr. Allen, are you busy now? I want to ask you a question. "

"No problem. I just have time. Miss Gu, you can come here now."

Half an hour later, a physical examination center.

Gu jiuci directly told Allen about the scene when she was stimulated to remember when she got the star of Africa yesterday.

Alan is also a little surprised after hearing it www.thedu.cc ]'s frowned.

"It's strange that, in theory, the star of Africa stimulates you, so it should be the memory related to you in the past, but you can't remember you at all... Wait for me to check the information and report."

Allen turned around, searched the computer database, and pulled out Gu jiuci's files.

"As I said before, your brain is still recovering, and it's possible to recall memories of past events or dreams of the past."


Gu jiuci slightly raised eyebrows.

"Then why should I dream about them instead of my own?"

"The dream is not so well controlled, otherwise someone would have studied it for thousands of years."

Alan shrugged.

"In short, I don't have a scientific way to judge whether your passage is a dream or a memory, but one thing is that dreams are fragmented fragments, and memory is a continuous past.

If it's a dream, you won't think about it later. "

Gu jiuci frowned at the speech.

"It seems that I can only leave this situation to time. I can only verify it when I think of more things."

"Well, I'll also synchronize your special situation with the tutor. We'll keep in touch with each other from time to time."

Alan raised his hand and made a phone gesture.

Gu Jiu nods and asks.

"May I ask how things have progressed for you and your tutor before?"


Allen turned and opened a document in English sent to him by his tutor.

"Last night, he sent me an email saying that there was an ingredient in the sample. He had seen it in the medical black market. He was still investigating and recalling the specific black market. When there is news, he will tell you."

"OK, thank you..."

Gu jiuci said gratefully. At this time, a wechat message came from the mobile phone.

"Tang Yu: a CI, Mr. Yuan called to ask, how is your sample selection? "

" Oops! Forget the business

Seeing this news, Gu jiuci stood up from his chair, said goodbye to Allen in a hurry and rushed back to the company.

She took the elevator directly to the third floor of the company, where there was a recording studio for the company.

"Hello, Tang Yu, I have already arrived at the company. Please reply to Uncle yuan first and say that I will give him a reply today."

Gu jiuci sends a wechat message to Tang Yu as he walks. At this time, a burst of passionate and energetic music comes from the dance practice room next to him. Gu jiuci looks for fame and finds that it is the young newcomers who have signed up for star entertainment before, and they are practicing dancing to music.

"How about it?"

Just as Tang Yu was also observing in the room, he saw Gu jiuci and asked.

Gu jiuci picks eyebrows with a smile.

"It's quite like that, especially the two in the middle. They're good kids."

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