"That is, even if you send it to a talent show now, you can kill a group of people in seconds."

"Arrogance is bound to defeat, or to practice steadfastly. By the way, how are their contractual issues solved? "

Gu jiuci suddenly thought of it.

"The hegemonic terms of the stars are not reasonable. In addition, Huayu is now focusing on the promotion of Qingyun. I heard that Yang Xiuwen signed a 1 billion yuan gambling agreement with investors. If the profits are not recovered, the consequences will be serious."

Said the last sentence, Tang Yu some eight trigrams accentuated the tone.

"So the elite lawyers we have hired have beaten the stars to pieces. The owners of the stars are going to apply for bankruptcy, and the contracts of these artists have been successfully terminated."

"Well, as long as it's solved."

Gu jiuci nodded, but in the bottom of his heart, Yang Xiuwen played such a big part in Qingyun Ji.

"By the way, I'll listen to Mr. Yuan's sample first."

"Oh, there are artists in the studio. I put your computer in the conference room."

Tang Yu said in a hurry.

"I see."

Gu jiuci turned around and walked towards the meeting room. As soon as she entered the door, she heard a lot of sound coming from inside. She stepped in and looked at the TV set in the meeting room. Si Chen and Ji Weiran were watching the financial interview on TV.

"You two are watching TV here? Is that right? "

Gu jiuci walked over as he said it. Ji Weiran turned around and exposed the blocked TV screen. Unexpectedly, it was Lin Shujing on the screen!!

I don't know whether it's a coincidence or an accident. Just at the moment when Gu jiuci looks at the past, Lin Shujing also happens to look at the camera. It seems that they are looking at each other from the sky, and the sparks are everywhere.

Suddenly, a light reflected from Lin Shujing's chest attracted Gu jiuci's eyes. She subconsciously looked at it and found that Lin Shujing was wearing a thin crescent necklace.

Crescent necklace...


In an instant, Gu jiuci's brain was invaded by the familiar tingling sensation, and she fell on the ground with her hands holding her head uncontrollably.

A trance image quickly rushed into her mind.

The background is a blank, leaving only young Huo Mingche and Lin Shujing.

At this time, Huo Mingche picked up a slender crescent necklace and gently put it on Lin Shujing, who was full of sweet smile...

"a CI! Are you all right? "

Si Chen and Ji Wei Ran were shocked and ran to help her up from the ground.

"I'm fine..."

Gu jiuci answered mechanically, but his heart sank violently. How come there are fragments about Lin Shujing and the great demon king in his mind again? Is this not a dream, is it really a memory?

At this time, the TV screen, the hostess changed a relaxed topic.

"Mr. Lin, this is a question that the audience wants to ask. It seems that you have rarely worn other necklaces except this crescent necklace for so many years. Is there any story in this?"

Lin Shujing smiles and shows the crescent necklace to the camera.

"Good looking? It's from someone I love, so I cherish it. "

The host immediately asked.

"It seems that he is still your favorite now?"

Lin Shujing even rarely shows a touch of coyness on TV and nods lightly.

Seeing this scene, Gu jiuci's heart sank fiercely, and his face became extremely pale in an instant.

It's not a dream... It's a memory! What she remembered was the real past of the great demon king and Lin Shujing!

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