"What kind of routine?"

Three young girls in flower show their indecent expressions at the same time ~

"trees move to death and people move to live. You can show a more quiet and stronger side in front of Mr. Huo, which makes Mr. Huo feel that, wow, why are you different? Then you can take the opportunity to invite him on a date. The night is dark and the wind is high. If necessary, you can have a little wine...

Ji Weiran lowers his voice, but the faster he talks, the more excited he gets...

GU jiuci already has a cartoon like picture in his mind. When it is time, she will bow to Gu jiuci and do whatever she wants, and then she will give Huo Mingche“ The picture in his mind is too strong and cool. Gu jiuci subconsciously shows a "obscene" smile.

"But... What if Huo Mingche's capacity is good?"

Calm and objective science students, steel straight daughter sichen, do not understand the style of interruption of the two people.

"I don't think so? I've heard that he seldom drinks from the beginning to the end, especially when he drinks with his mother in public

Ji Weiran said with a firm face.

She did not know that, in the near future, this was a conclusion she regretted most.

"Yes! I feel the same way! What's more, my drinking capacity is quite good! "

Gu jiuci nodded her head seriously. How could she have never thought that the amount of alcohol that Xu Yuner cultivated in order to corrupt her image and coax her to drink alcohol in the previous life would be useful one day...

"but I don't think Weiran has given any meaningful suggestions

The iron and steel straight female Si Chen continues to dismantle the stage.

"Although she didn't put forward any constructive suggestions, I already have plans in mind. I still thank the two sisters very much."

Gu jiuci clapped them on the shoulder with a smile, then returned to the conference room with a mysterious face.

She has to finish her work quickly and go to find Huo Mingche.

Just when the music room was empty, Gu jiuci finally had time to listen to all the 30 pieces sent by yuan zewen. Each capital was particularly pleasant to listen to. It not only integrated the current popular music styles, but also had many passages to pay homage to the classics.

Along with the single sample sent, there are 30 lyrics from yuan zewen. Each song is catchy, but every word is very meaningful.

"I'm really the godfather of pop music..."

after taking off the earphone, Gu jiuci deeply sighed. No wonder her mother said that only your uncle yuan knew the most about singing in China.

Gu jiuci reached out and held the necklace of blue tears on his chest.

"Mom, I will do my best and never let you down!"

She carefully classified all 30 pieces of music, and wrote a content analysis of up to 500 words in each capital city, and clearly stated the reasons for choosing and giving up. After all of them were sorted out, she sent them to yuan zewen's email.

When I finished all this, I just caught up with the sunset of the city. It was full of sunset and poetic.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Gu jiuci's mobile phone suddenly rang. She quickly took it out to see that it was an overseas number.

Foreign friends? No, shisan has secret contact information with himself. He will never call her directly. But the phone is still ringing, Gu jiuci thought about it, or connected the phone.


As soon as the phone was connected, Vincent's awkward Mandarin reached her ears.

"Little sister-in-law, why did you answer my phone so long?"

"I'm sorry, I forgot to make a note for you."

Gu jiuci looks embarrassed.

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