"It doesn't matter. I'm calling to tell you that we've finished 90% of the later part of the story of Langya. Do you want to send it to you first?"

"So fast?"

Gu jiuci's eyes widened in surprise. Generally, this kind of super long film will take at least a month in the later stage of China.

"It's not so fast. I've asked thousands of employees in the company to put down their work and make the biography of Langya."

Vincent said in a relaxed voice.

"It is estimated that the remaining 10 percent will be completed in less than two days."

"My God! You are so wonderful. I have to treat you to dinner

After Gu jiuci finished this sentence, a flash of light flashed in his mind! Isn't she always looking for a reason to make an appointment with the great devil now... Isn't this a ready-made reason!

Thinking of this, Gu jiuci said to Vincent more warmly.

"It's just that you are in China, and you help me so much. Brother Che and I have to treat you. In fact, there are many interesting places in the imperial capital that you haven't been to yet."

For a while, Gu jiuci sold Amway crazily. Vincent did not come to China very much. Gu jiuci said that, and he was determined to be moved.

"Good! I really like China

"That's a deal. I'll call you again at the weekend."

"No problem!"

Vincent readily agreed, Gu jiuci was satisfied to hang up the phone, immediately opened the wechat to send a message to Si Ye.

"Gu jiuci: Mr. Si, the post production of Langya Zhuan will be finished this week. Let's make an appointment to talk about the follow-up publicity at the weekend? I'll arrange the location. "

soon, Si Ye replied with an OK expression.

"Si ye: everything is arranged by my sister-in-law."


Gu jiuci smiles. She's really a smart girl. She pulls up all the friends of the demon king, so he won't be afraid of him saying that he's too busy to work ~

"next, the devil is waiting for me to attack you ~"

Gu jiuci puts away his mobile phone, and his eyes flash with cunning. He subconsciously prepares to go to the dressing room to change his clothes. He is just about to take a good look To the mirror wearing a red dress of their own, the mind suddenly appeared Ji Weiran just said.

"I want to make Mr. Huo feel that you are different."

Gu jiuci snapped his finger and walked directly to the elevator.

Although Ji Weiran has some sand sculptures, this sentence is still on the point ~

in this way, Gu jiuci stepped on the enchanting pace and appeared at the door of the president's office of Horst group.

She walked to the door, only the big devil was working in it. Before she could put out a sexy pose, the man felt her coming. He raised his eyes to her, then narrowed a little, and his eyes flashed quickly, which meant something unknown.

Gu jiuci was a little nervous for a moment. Suddenly, he didn't know where to put his hands. He had to sort out his hair.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Very quiet in the past, Gu jiuci finally couldn't help asking.

"Brother Che, how am I today?"

"It's beautiful."

Her voice did not fall, Huo Mingche did not hesitate to answer, and even got up, strode toward her.

WOW! What Ji Weiran said really works! The great devil thought she was very different today!

In an instant, Gu jiuci's heart was full of joy. However, the next second...

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