Gu jiuci suddenly frowned, hung up the phone and immediately came out of the recording room. When he left, he was especially careful to lock the door.

When she got down to the second floor, Xu yun'er was just outside the corridor of the artist's classroom, looking thoughtfully at the young newcomers trained inside.


Gu jiuci strode towards her, not far or near.

This time, Xu yun'er is acutely aware of the different tone of Gu jiuci.

She frowned without trace. As expected, Gu jiuci was really indifferent to her, not her illusion.

Before she had not put jiuche entertainment in her heart, but today she made a surprise attack to test Gu jiuci's strength. Unexpectedly, she was surprised when she just arrived.

The whole building is actually jiuche entertainment, decoration is also very luxurious, than the headquarters of China Entertainment had to be no worse. Besides, there are many kinds of practice rooms and teachers. She just came down from the stairs and found that the whole floor was full of public relations teams and artists' dormitories.

She originally wanted to sneak into Gu jiuci's room to have a look, but the damned Tang Yu always sent someone to follow her!

"Ah Ci, why do you come to see me now? Don't you welcome me

Xu yun'er quietly clenched his fist and tried to explore.

"Why, I have been asking you to terminate the contract with Huayu and come to our company? Why, did you think about it today? "

Gu jiuci's generous explanation also stretched out his hand to make a gesture.

"Come to my office."

Xu yun'er choked at once. She was trying to test the depth of Gu jiuci. Unexpectedly, Gu jiuci took the words.

She is not stupid. At this time, if she signs a contract with Gu jiuci, doesn't it mean that she will work for Gu jiuci? Soon, the whole Gu family will be in her pocket. Why should she make such a fool?

Thinking of this, Xu yun'er quickly pulls Gu jiuci.

"No, ADI, I'm here to see you today. I heard that you were injured when the crew killed last time?"

Gu jiuci turned his eyes in the bottom of his heart. It's been so many days that he can remember to be courteous?

Although she painted the portraits of the bad guys, the big brother and the big devil's forces all went to investigate, and she herself also blackened the monitoring nearby, but these people disappeared like a stone into the sea.

So far, they haven't found out.

In fact, the objects she can suspect are very limited, either Xu yun'er or Jiang Yuan.

Today is just an opportunity to cheat Xu yun'er.

"Yes, the security on the other side of Xiangshan is not very good. Several big men in black wanted to kidnap me in the street. Fortunately, brother Che appeared in time to save me. Finally, I was only slightly injured, which was not a big problem."

Speaking of the last few sentences, Gu jiuci deliberately accentuates the tone, while appreciating Xu yun'er's expression.

Sure enough, Xu yun'er's smile immediately became stiff.

Her heart is quick to spit blood, spent so much money, finally did not hurt Gu jiuci, on the contrary, let Huo Mingche hero save the United States, looking at the reaction of this little bitch, I'm afraid she and Huo Mingche's feelings are much better?

At the thought of Huo Mingche's care for Gu jiuci, Xu yun'er's clenched fists began to shake.

Gu jiuci deliberately pretended not to find out and continued to say.

"Brother Che said that he would certainly trace this matter to the end. Those villains in black are just thugs at most. What really needs to be careful is those behind the scenes of these thugs who have ulterior motives, cousin. Are you right?"

Xu Yun Er lengbu Ding is called by Gu jiuci, so she has to follow her words.

"Yes, Mr. Huo will help you find the murderer behind the scenes!"

"Of course, brother Che is the most powerful. He also said that if anyone dares to bully me, the price will be..."

Gu jiuci held out his voice and stopped here. Xu yun'er's face turned white. She was afraid and couldn't help asking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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