Gu jiuci is searching hard in his memory, but he can't remember when he saw the sunrise with the great demon king here.

At this time, the sun has completely risen from the horizontal line, the sun is strong, Gu jiuci's conditioned reflex squints his eyes.

The next second, the man picked up a towel to cover her eyes, soft tone.

"More sleep?"

Gu jiuci pulls down the silk scarf in a depressed mood.

"No more sleep. I'm full of sleep."

This evening, nothing was done...

she was trying to get up from the devil, but she was picked up by his princess, and then the man's magnetic voice sounded.

"I have never been in love with Lin Shujing, let alone my first love. It was my negligence that made you sad before

Gu jiuci's heart shook violently, and he knew that...

hearing this answer, she subconsciously looked up at Huo Mingche's eyes. Those eyes were as bright as the stars. At the moment, in addition to reflecting her face, she was left with a calm.

At this moment, no matter what kind of memory appears in his mind, Gu jiuci has been constantly ringing a voice in his heart.

Trust him!

"Forgive me, will you?"

See the girl for a long time did not open his mouth, the man's eyes unexpectedly rare emergence of a trace of uneasiness, and even the tone of the mouth were stained with a trace of humble.

For her, Gu jiuci felt humble for the first time.

Just because of the sentence "is that ok?" At the moment, even if he is lying, she is willing to forgive unconditionally.

What's more, he never lied to her.

"Well, you said, there is no one else between us."

Gu jiuci shyly lowered his head and murmured in a low voice.

Hearing this answer, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"Well, you are the only goblin I have."

Huo Mingche smilingly opens his lips, the tone is wrapped in light ridicule.

It's a pity that Gu jiuci is busy bowing his head shyly, missing the smile in his bright eyes, which is full of all the scenery.

"Then you can put me down."

Gu jiuci milk voice, maintain the same posture all night, she is about to become a stiff mummy.

"Are you sure?"

A man's playful mouth.

Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered her scenery wrapped in bath towel.

"Take me to the bathroom first..."


Huo Mingche really put her into the bathtub of the Health Bureau, and then turned around and left in a particularly decent way. Gu jiuci was suddenly a little depressed.

Mingming asked her twice before, how could he be compared with Tang monk?

she just make complaints about her, and only a voice is heard outside.

"Your body is still in repair. No strenuous exercise and no more drinking."

Er... "Strenuous exercise" means that she is too impatient?

Gu jiuci smell speech, immediately want to bury himself in the bathtub, never come out!

Maybe life is like this. The perfect plan arranged clearly always ends in failure and farce in embarrassment.

But in the end, we will harvest, love you, the heart.

After taking a bath, Gu jiuci went to have breakfast with the big demon king. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ji Weiran and Shen Jianxing's three companions lying on the table.

See her and the big demon king come in, three people at the same time tacit understanding reveals the sad look in the eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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