So where is she going to find her memory?

For a while, Gu jiuci was a little sad. It turned out that things had changed and the vicissitudes of life had changed. It was such a feeling.

She thought that the world was full of things and people changed, but she didn't expect that the reality was cruel, even the childhood scenery would also be taken away.

"Do you want to look for Nanshan Campanula?"

The man drooped his eyes, saw the girl wrinkled nose, a lost face.

"Don't mention the Campanula. Now we can't even find a small mound. I thought nothing had changed here... "

Gu jiuci lowered his head a little depressed.

"Follow me."

Huo Mingche's eyes flashed through a dark awn, holding her hand to go further.

"Where are we going?"

Gu jiuci looked at him in a dazed way. However, before long, Gu jiuci was taken to a large greenhouse botanical garden by the great devil. There were countless flowers blooming at the door, and birds were singing and singing.

Flowers and beauties are like this.

"How beautiful! I remember it used to be a wasteland, but now it's a botanical garden

Gu jiuci's mood immediately turned cloudy. With the change of her mood, a faint smile flashed in the man's eyes, and gently released her hand.

"Go in and have a look."


Gu jiuci immediately walked along the winding Shizi road to the inside. As soon as she entered the huge greenhouse, she was oppressed by the Nanshan Campanula in the garden. There are so many Campanula plants here!

So that's why the devil brought her here? He knew that there was Nanshan Campanula here for a long time?!

"Little girl, it's OK to look at the flowers. Don't touch them!"

At this time, an old woman who was cutting branches came over and gently reminded her.

"Granny, why can't I touch it? Is this botanical garden private?

Gu jiuci asked in doubt.

"Yes, it's said that it was built by a general manager for his childhood sweetheart. In particular, these bluebells grow only on cliffs. You don't know how difficult it is to cultivate them! He also specializes in the cultivation of these bluebells every year

The old lady opened her mouth at once.

"It looks like a happy love story."

Gu jiuci sighed casually. Unexpectedly, the old woman shook her head with a frown on her face.

"No, no, no, you are wrong. I heard that this childhood sweetheart hates him so much that he doesn't want to communicate with each other in his old age. "


Gu jiuci was stunned. He thought it was aesthetic love, but did it reverse so much?

"It's said that the boss's childhood sweetheart likes the bluebells of Nanshan, but the cliff is going to be pushed, and there will be no such grass here. In order to make his green plum always see the wind bell grass in Nanshan, the boss specially invested in a large botanical garden.

In fact, the botanical garden is losing money every year. It's a pity that the manager is so infatuated that he still can't harvest love. Every year when I see him alone, I feel sad for him

The old lady is still talking, but the smile on Gu jiuci's face is gradually fading down.

Why is it that the more you listen to this story, the more familiar it is?

There was a burst of bitterness in her heart, and at last she couldn't help asking.

"Grandma, do you know the name of the boss?"

"Of course, he..."

just as the grandmother was about to answer, she suddenly looked at the door with fixed eyes, and walked towards the door with a joyful face.

"Oh, Mr. Huo, are you here? Why did you come by yourself this year? "

At that moment, Gu jiuci's heart beat seemed to stop for a beat...

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