She turned around stiffly, just on the man's affectionate eyes.

Huo Mingche slowly picked up the corner of his lips, a time thousands of flowers less than his one person amazing.

"Not alone this year."

The old lady immediately followed Huo Mingche's eyes, turned her head and looked at Gu jiuci. Embarrassment flashed on her face.

"Mr. Huo, this is the botanical garden you bought for childhood. How can you bring your present girlfriend here? What a fool

The old granny did not know what kind of person Huo Mingche was in the imperial capital. She said in a tone of treating her grandson.

"It's the same person."

The man was so patient that he continued to explain.

The old woman suddenly realized, and then showed a kind smile and sighed.

"Congratulations, after all these years, you have finally achieved the right result."

After saying that, the old lady was very eye-catching. In the huge garden, only two of them were left.

"Why build such a large botanical garden?"

Gu jiuci asked him with a sour nose.

"That day you want that flower, they don't help you, you cry particularly miserable, I am very distressed."

The man walked slowly towards her, explaining softly.

"I don't want you to cry again."

He dropped his voice, also just came to her in front of the action gently with the finger belly wipe her eyes tears.

"Still crying."

"Who loves to cry! I'm strong! "

Gu jiuci retorted at once, but his mouth had been shriveled for a long time. He couldn't help but dive into the man's arms and sob out his voice.

Why? Why do we have so much of the past, but I can not remember.

Why do you do so many things for me, but never say a word?

Why, with your sadness sad, for my life's happiness without worry?

At this moment, countless fragments of previous life flashed in Gu jiuci's mind, but they were all pictures of her hurting Huo Mingche.

She had been chasing that scum man's steps, but never looked back at him.

In the past life, this garden blossomed and failed, but Huo Mingche did not wait for her.

Gu jiuci's heart is full of guilt, she holds the big demon king, and swears hard again and again in her heart.

In this life, I will never be separated from you again! Never again!

But the voice of her heart just fell, there were several thunder suddenly outside, and the torrential rain tilted down without warning.

The man subconsciously reaches out to cover Gu jiuci's ear.

"Don't be afraid."

Gu jiuci looked up from his arms and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Don't let go of me for the rest of your life, will you? Or I'll be scared. "

Let her be greedy again, let her be capricious again.

Hearing this, the pupil of the man shrinks fiercely, the girl's face in front of her eyes gradually overlaps with the lovely little milk bag when she was young.

"Brother Che, don't let me go. Xiaojiu'er will be afraid! "

at that time, he seriously gave the answer.

"Well, I'll never let you go. "

and this time, his answer remains the same.

"Well, I'll never let you go."

The rainstorm came and went quickly, and gradually turned into a light rain. The kind-hearted old lady tied a bunch of flowers for Gu jiuci and put nine branches of Nanshan wind chime grass on it.

Before leaving, he also took an umbrella to them.

"Now that we are together, we should learn to ride in the same boat in the storm. Let's start with this umbrella." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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