"Second brother, don't say a word. You see dad is ill."

Gu jiuci looks at the second elder brother helplessly.

"ADI, go in by yourself. I feel sick when I see Xu yun'er!"

Gu Qijue turned his eyes and turned away in spite of Gu jiuci's obstruction.

"Well, the second brother is still so depressed."

Gu jiuci sighed a little, sorted out a lower facial expression, and then pushed the door to enter.

The scene in the house is exactly what she imagined. Xu yun'er sits in front of the bed with a bowl of soup, feeding and laughing at Lao Gu. No matter who sees it, she thinks Xu Yuner is filial.

"Finally willing to come back to see me?"

Looking at her at the door, Gu said with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Take a look at your cousin. When you are so busy, you still have time to come back to see me and see you again

Seeing the old Gu began to scold Gu jiuci, Xu yun'er felt a burst of pride, and immediately the white lotus was on her body.

"Uncle, don't blame ah CI. She's been very busy with her career recently

"What are you busy with? Are you so busy that you forget your family?"

Lao Gu's face sank, and his tone became colder.

Gu jiuci stood at the door all the way and looked at Lao Gu quietly. How familiar the scene was, as if he had returned to the previous life.

"I finally came back. You have to argue with me, don't you?"

Her eyes were cool and her voice was cold.


Old Gu Dun's blue veins burst out, and Xu yun'er's heart almost burst into bloom with laughter, waiting for Gu Qingyuan, a fool, to scold Gu jiuci!


Lao Gu's eyes darkened and he waved his hand.

"Forget it. I don't care about this with you. Yun'er, you go out first. I have something to say to a CI."

Xu yun'er didn't expect that the dead old man was not angry and let her go out.

But now she couldn't stay here, so she agreed with a smile.

"Well, I'll see if the meal is ready."

Xu yun'er immediately found a step for herself, put down the tea bowl and went out of the door, but when she closed the door slowly, she deliberately left a gap, and people also stood at the door.

"Come here!"

Gu raised his voice in a fierce voice, but his hand gently patted the bedside, and his eyes became kind.

Gu jiuci walked over, picked up the tea bowl on the table, slowly poured the contents into the garbage can, and opened his mouth in a cold voice.

"What can I do for you?"

"Can you talk to your father like a daughter? Is that the way you talk to your father?"

Lao Gu frowned, tutted, and then asked.

"I watched the news recently, and I heard from your aunt that your TV series is on fire. How come you plan to follow your mother's path?"

"Not exactly. The Vieira gold medal competition is coming up. I will concentrate on preparing for the competition next."

"Vieira... I remember that your mother used to take part in this competition, and if you can make it to Vieira, maybe you can really be a musician."

It is rare for Gu to be satisfied with his tone.

Gu jiuci swept the door of his eyes without trace, and said faintly.

"It's not so easy. Vieira's requirements are extremely strict. If I can't get to the competition site within the specified time and pass the organizer's examination, I will automatically lose the qualification."

Outside the door, Xu Yuner heard this sentence and immediately fell in love with her www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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