"So strict? What's the deadline for this report? "

Lao Gu immediately asked.

"Next Friday, I've already reserved the ticket in advance."

When it comes to time, Gu jiuci raises his voice. Xu yun'er, don't you want to hear it? Then listen to it clearly.

"But Dad, you've called me back. You're not just asking me about this little thing?"

Gu jiuci keenly looks at Lao Gu's pale face. At this moment, Gu jiuci suddenly coughs violently, which makes Gu jiuci stand up immediately and give him good luck.

"I'm afraid my father is more sick than before."

After Lao Gu calmed down, he said weakly.

"Dad! What nonsense are you talking about

Gu jiuci immediately refuted in a cold voice.

"You have to learn to accept it. But before I die, I still have one thing to put in my heart and I can't put it down."

When Lao Gu said this, he kept staring at Gu jiuci's eyes.

"Only by watching you marry Mingche's child and seeing that you are taken care of all your life, can I rest assured to see your mother under the ground. The most precious person she used to be is you. If she knew you were not well, she would blame me."

Hearing his father's hard words, Gu jiuci's eyes became sour.

Even when he was very ill, Gu was still worried about her.

In her previous life, she felt that Lao Gu and Su Furong were the same family and had never really cared about her.

My former self was really stupid and stupid...

"after the engagement, the two families discussed to hold a wedding ceremony when you were sophomore. At that time, the Huo family didn't look up to you. But now it's different. You've been working hard and you've made great achievements. I heard that Hodgson and Edgar have recognized you.

Is it possible to advance the date of marriage? "

Hearing this, Gu jiuci hasn't had much emotional ups and downs yet. Xu yun'er outside the door immediately widens her eyes and jumps in her heart.

Gu Qingyuan, an old man, is still thinking about Gu jiuci when he is dying. He also wants Gu jiuci to marry Huo Mingche earlier!

If they get married, what will she do!

Xu Yun er's anger is burning with anger. The resentment in his eyes can't be turned into a knife and stab Gu Qingyuan to death!

"It's not impossible. Recently, my status as a powerful family has also been exposed. Even if the wedding news is exposed, it doesn't have much impact."

Gu jiuci once again glanced at the door of his eyes, bent his lips slightly, and deliberately raised his voice.

"Did you agree?"

Lao Gu was quite surprised to raise his voice.

"Well, when do you plan to get married, the sooner the better."

"Let me go back and discuss with brother Che, at least wait for me to finish the Vieira competition?"

Gu jiuci said solemnly.

"You don't mean to be your father, are you? Give me a specific scope! "

Lao Gu asked with a face that was not taken seriously.

Gu jiuci had no choice but to say.

"Well, I'll call the great devil later and ask him to prepare for the wedding from now on. When I get the gold from Vieira, I'll get married right away. Are you satisfied?"

"That's about it!"

Old Gu laughs and can't close his mouth. Outside, Xu yun'er looks ferocious!

"Yun'er, what are you doing standing at the door?"

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