At this time, Su Furong came over with a puzzled face. Xu yun'er immediately made a quiet gesture to her, and then pulled her to the next room.

"Mother! Gu Qingyuan that dead old man actually proposed to let Gu jiuci marry Huo Mingche ahead of time! Huo Mingche is mine! What qualifications does she have to marry him! "

Xu yun'er scolded angrily.

"Don't worry. When Gu jiuci becomes a pauper, the Huo family won't want such a daughter-in-law!"

Su Furong's face is calm and comforting, which reminds Xu yun'er.

"Mom, I've figured out when we'll do it!"

Xu yun'er said with a proud face.

"Come on, when are you going to do it?"

"Gu jiuci is going to take part in an important competition next Friday. If she can't make it, she won't be a musician in her life. I can't marry Huo Che! I want her to feel the pain of her family's destruction and death at once! "

Xu yun'er said more excited, that pair of eyes should be pure and good, at the moment is full of gloomy terror.

"Good! Our mother and daughter are fed up with this little bitch! You don't worry, next Friday, my mother will give you a good out of these three years of bad gas! I'll call him now

Su Furong said with a smile, and then left triumphantly.

After the family had dinner,

Gu jiuci went to the elder brother's study. She still remembered what he said in jiuche entertainment last time.

"Very well!"

Gu jiuci knocks at the door, and Gu Qian immediately raises his eyes. Seeing Gu jiuci, he immediately puts down what he is doing.

"Ah CI is here. Come in."

"Brother, do you remember what you said to me last time at the gate of jiuche entertainment company? What strange thing have you not told me? "

Gu jiuci asked at the beginning.

"Oh, so that's what you're talking about."

Gu Qian lengthened his voice, then got up, turned out a thick album on the top shelf and handed it to Gu jiuci.

Gu jiuci confusingly takes over, and then opens the album under the elder brother's encouraging eyes.

This first page, let her stare big eyes.

There are more than ten photos in the album, each of which is a picture of a little girl playing with a teenager.

The boy is Huo Mingche, and the little girl is herself!

is as like as two peas in her dream, who can't see clearly.

"This is the strange thing I said. Your memory has been amazing since you were a child. That day, you suddenly asked me if you had amnesia when you were a child, and I suddenly felt wrong. You seem to have completely forgotten that when you were a child, playing with Huo Mingche was called "sticky."

Gu Qian flipped over a few pages. The photos above were all pictures of Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche playing together after spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every photo, Huo Mingche took care of her gently and carefully.

"I have no impression at all..."

Gu jiuci reached out and stroked the photos, and suddenly looked up at his elder brother.

"Big brother, can you tell me something about that year?"

Gu Qian heard the speech, but his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

"I'm afraid I can't do it. When you were five years old, I happened to go abroad for further study. My mother took you to the suburbs of Beijing to play. If my mother hadn't left this photo album and occasionally told me your recent situation on the phone, I really didn't know about it."

"So, apart from brother Che, no one knows what happened then?"

"That's not true."

Just when Gu jiuci was in despair, the elder brother suddenly said.

"One man knows that, too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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