
Gu jiuci immediately raised his head and asked, his heart lit up with hope.

Gu Qian turned over the album in her hand again, and a third person appeared in the photo.

"Lin Shujing?!!"

Gu jiuci suddenly widened his eyes. In the photo, Lin Shujing has short hair and looks like a tomboy. She can't see that she is a girl.

If she had not paid special attention to Lin Shujing, I would not have recognized the photos of Lin Shujing who had been specially Baidu before.

"No big or small. When you were a child, you were a quiet sister. I didn't know how intimate you were."

Elder brother Gu Qian glanced at Gu jiuci strangely. He always felt that his sister was a little strange today.

"I call her sister, and I call it affectionate?"

Gu jiuci asked in a shocked tone. In her impression, she didn't see Lin Shujing very much. Or did she go to the later stage of Huangju to see Lin Shujing frequently.

It is because the previous life of Lin Shujing understanding is too little, leading to now, the situation will become so passive!

"Yes, can't you remember that?"

Gu Qian is acutely aware of the information in his sister's words, and the conditional launch reaches out to touch his sister's forehead.

"Did you really get hurt when you were a kid? But why didn't mom tell me? "

Gu Qian's eyes flashed through self blame.

"Or I'll contact the doctor for a general examination?"

"I don't want to. People always forget. I was so old at that time that I couldn't remember so much."

Gu jiuci quickly perfunctory past, in fact, she is afraid that big brother knows too much worry.

Besides, she has done enough in her recent physical examination, and she has to go to Ellen for examination every once in a while.

Looking at the photos of Lin Shujing, Gu jiuci thinks more and more about it. Why is Lin Shujing, who has been dressed up as a tomboy since childhood, is so gentle in her two memories?

"By the way, big brother, have you been classmates with Lin Shujing and brother Che for some time? At that time, there was no group photo to linger on? "

"Of course, your elder brother is also a man of the day on campus."

Gu Qian smiles lightly, raises his hand and gently points his sister's forehead. Then he takes out another album and hands it to Gu jiuci.

"This is a picture of our time. At that time, another student was infatuated with photography and left us a lot of images."

Gu jiuci immediately opened the album, looking for Lin Shujing's figure. She had one thing that needed to be confirmed.

As a result, through so many photos, the whole junior high school... Lin Shujing is still a tomboy, and even rarely wears skirts.

"How can sister Shujing dress up like a tomboy at this time?"

Gu Jiu asked in a casual way.

"She was on the school football team with Huo Mingche at that time. How could she wear a skirt? What's more, she's always careless, just like a northerner. How can she like a girl's dress? "

Elder brother didn't recognize the deep meaning of Gu jiuci's words, so he took the words.

"But it's strange to say that since she graduated from University, she has long hair, and her temperament has changed a lot. At that time, it was speculated that she might have fallen in love with someone and finally wanted to be a girl."

Gu jiuci has an earthquake in her mind. In her memory, Lin Shujing, a junior high school girl with long hair and a typical gentle beauty, is a typical gentle beauty www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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