After playing a few games with two brothers, Gu jiuci's heart is still not very stable, so he left the game machine and went back to the room to call Tang Yu.

"Brother Tang, I asked you to send someone to investigate Lin Shujing's affairs. How is it going?"

"The progress is not very smooth. I spent a lot of money, but I just found some superficial things, which is not much different from the information searched on the Internet. The detective company said that her information was encrypted, not a cow's force, and hackers may not be able to get this information."

Tough hackers?

Gu jiuci sighed. It seems that Lin Shujing's vigilance is very high. Ordinary investigation can't find out anything at all. Tang Yu can't continue to be involved in this matter, so she has to say.

"Brother Tang, put it down for the time being. I'll look for it."

After hanging up Tang Yu's phone, Gu jiuci immediately took out a special mobile phone and contacted her friend 13 on the road.

"Nine: thirteen, you can help me find a better hacker. I need to check the person. "

shisan is also a god man, as if he didn't sleep for 24 hours. Every time Gu jiuci looked for him, he could return in seconds.

"Thirteen: is that right? You are the world's second largest hacker. Now let me find you a top hacker? Why not practice for many years, degenerate? "

Gu jiuci turned his eyes and only typed a line of explanation.

"Nine: people don't know. Don't you know my rules? I only use that technology three times a year. "

the reason why she has become the world's second largest hacker is that she has mastered an extremely cutting-edge technology, but because this technology is only known to her, other top 5 hackers can smell her trace.

In the past, when she was young and frivolous, she once provoked an anti-human and anti social weirdo in the hacker community. Over the years, this strange guy has never given up chasing her.

Master warned her that there are people outside the world, and there is no one who can always be the first, not even him. Technology is always upgrading. Maybe one day, she will be found by that strange guy.

Therefore, Gu jiuci strictly obeys the master's advice and can only use it three times a year. Therefore, shisan, as an intermediary, helps Gu jiuci to receive orders from outside, and also claims to receive only three times a year.

"Thirteen: Well, I see what you mean. Who are you looking for? To what extent? Gu jiuci quickly sent Lin Shujing's name and photo in the past, and then replied with two words.


The next morning, Gu jiuci went to the physical examination center to visit Allen.

"What you said to me last time, my tutor has already replied to me. We always think that you are out of the pen interest Pavilion ]In such a situation, it is likely to be hypnotized


Gu jiuci's heart shook violently, and Allen continued to explain.

"Even if the dream of ordinary people can be continuous once, the probability of two consecutive dreams is very small. But hypnosis can. I know that in the eyes of ordinary people, hypnosis is just like feudal superstition. But it's a psychological suggestion, and it belongs to the category of science. "

"I don't quite understand."

Gu jiuci said embarrassed.

"In short, a good hypnotist can make up a memory and put it in your mind, and use something as a stimulus point, and when you see it, you can remember it.

Because in fact, there are very few powerful hypnotists, and ordinary people can see less. You don't know. It's normal. We don't think about it. "

Gu jiuci finally understood this time and asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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