Gu jiuci murmurmured at the same time, but still obeyed Huo Mingche's words. He went to the window and pulled the curtain to both sides. Then the next second, she was stunned.

At the moment, the night, the city into a dark, and the opposite building, a pair of huge LED billboard is flashing, and that huge light sign, it is her own!

"Isn't it?"

Huo Mingche came to her side and stood side by side, enjoying the huge light sign outside the window.

When the curtain is opened, anyone who enters his office will see this huge billboard for the first time.

"You bought this billboard? I heard Tang Yu say that this is the most expensive advertising space in China....

Gu jiuci opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"No, it's the whole building."

Gu jiuci was completely shocked. The great demon king bought the landmark building of the imperial capital in order to find a place to put her photos!!! It feels like hundreds of millions of people are flying in the sky ~

Huo Mingche has always held Gu jiuci in his hand and engraved it in his heart.

For a moment, Gu jiuci's heart is full of five flavors, and she doesn't know what to say. She looks at Huo Mingche's face seriously and suddenly stands on tiptoe.

"Brother Che, can I kiss you?"

At this moment, I want to kiss him.

Gu jiuci didn't wait for the big devil to answer. He grabbed the man's waist and was about to jump on it. As a result, he was pressed on his forehead by Huo Mingche.

"What's the matter?"

Gu jiuci puzzled and wronged staring at Huo Mingche.

"Your body can't be stimulated, your heart can't be too fast."

Kissing is a way to make people's heart beat faster and faster. The red color just rising in men's eyes gradually subsides with restraint.

"Which irresponsible medical report have you read? I'm in good health. Have you ever seen me faint?"

Gu nine make complaints about the Tucao, but the devil is very patient.

He patted her on the back and coaxed her like a baby.

"The doctor said that your physical condition is very strange, all indicators are normal, but you are not in good health."

Gu nine, as like as two peas in the bottom of her heart, the doctor was really very strong. The conclusion of the examination is exactly the same as that of her examination center.

For a moment, she wanted to tell the devil the truth, but she was afraid that he could not accept it.

In case you are a psychopath, isn't it more funny?

After a fierce struggle in his heart, Gu jiuci still chose to give up.

"Brother Che ~"

Gu jiuci grabs the man's tie and shouts with a sly light in his eyes.

There's no way to keep such a good-looking guy who doesn't eat tofu and wants her to be a nun!

Taking advantage of the moment when the demon king bowed his head, Gu jiuci suddenly stood on tiptoe and ran away with his charming lips.

Three centimeters, two centimeters, one centimeter, however...


With the sound of the door being suddenly pushed open,

"master, it's not good! You have an accident with Miss Gu! "

Zhan Ying rushes in and shouts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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