Jiang Yuan immediately held her mobile phone and pushed open the door of the bathroom and walked towards the living room. At this time, her mother, Jiang Siyan, was chatting with her mother Huo.

"Jiang Yuan, are you ok? How can you look so ugly after staying in the bathroom for so long? "

Fang Aijia, Madame Huo, looks worried at Jiang Yuan.

In the middle of a powerful family, some superficial tea parties are still inevitable. Therefore, Jiang Siyan can bring Jiang Yuan to Huo's house from time to time. After all, the friendship between the two families has been good in recent years, so Fang Aijia is more polite to Jiang Yuan.

"Yuanyuan, are you ok? Is it a tummy? "

Jiang Siyan really thought something was wrong with her daughter, so she asked anxiously.

Jiang Yuan shook her head and deliberately looked at Madame Huo with worried eyes.

"I'm ok. I just received a message. I'm shocked. I don't know if I should tell Mrs. Huo."

"Tell me?"

Fang Aijia was slightly stunned.

"Yes, it's news related to brother Mingche, but now there are too many fake news on the Internet. I don't know whether it's true or not."

Jiang Yuan cleverly paved the steps for herself, so that Mrs. Huo could not find any reason to blame her next.

as soon as she heard the news related to her son, Fang Aijia was in a hurry.

"Whether it's true or not, you can tell me first."

When Jiang Yuan saw that Mrs. Huo's appetite was lifted up, she took out her mobile phone and enlarged the picture of the paparazzi. She handed it to Mrs. Huo and said at the same time.

"This is a picture taken by paparazzi secretly. It is said in the news that Gu jiuci plays a big role and secretly meets her little white faced boyfriend..."

Mrs. Huo glances at her mobile phone, but she can't see the joy and anger on her face.

"And then?"

Jiang Yuan was slightly stunned. When she saw Gu jiuci's private meeting with other men, Mrs. Huo should not have such a plain expression...

"I remember brother Mingche didn't have such a car, and his family had never had such a dilapidated car. I was afraid that Gu jiuci was..."

in the middle of the speech, Jiang Yuan deliberately did not go on to let Mrs. Huo associate herself.

Her mother, Jiang Siyan, quickly saw the way and deliberately embellished it.

"Aijia, it's normal that the child is young and uncertain. You can just call her back to have a good education."

On the surface, she seems to be persuading Mrs. Huo, but in fact, she deliberately pokes at Mrs. Huo's heart and deliberately stirs up the flames.

Jiang Yuan and her mother looked at each other, waiting for Madame Huo to get angry.


"it seems that you two are not here to have tea with me today?"

Madame Huo suddenly became cold and threw her cell phone to the tea table.

Jiang Yuan immediately froze, why is Madame Huo this reaction?

Jiang Siyan makes a quick comeback.

"Aijia, don't you get me wrong. Didn't Yuanyuan know this news by accident... Why do you blame us?"

"I don't blame you two white lotus who make trouble and stir up our relationship with Huo family. Who else should I blame?"

Fang Aijia didn't want to go on pretending with these two people. He stood up with a cold face and said directly.

"To tell you the truth, my son does not have this car, does not mean her mother does not have it!"

This is a car she loved when she was young. Today, she lent her son to pick up her daughter-in-law. She was afraid that Huo Mingche's car was too conspicuous and would cause trouble to ah CI.

I didn't expect that these two women would take the car to slander her future daughter-in-law.

Want to sow dissension in front of her Fang Aijia? There are no doors.

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