She is not a hypocritical person, but almost never let Gu Qingyuan be proud of her in her last life. This time, she wanted him to understand that his daughter was never bad and had grown into a shining star.

"Shall we wait another ten minutes?"

Gu jiuci blinks his big eyes and looks at Si Chen and Ji Wei Ran.

"Well, we'll wait with you."

But ten minutes passed in an instant.

"Passengers on flight ac1128, please hurry up to board!"

From the radio, the stewardess urged one after another, and the time became more and more urgent.

"Adieu, let's go. If you miss this flight, there will be no direct flight to the United States. We must not be late

"Well, let's go."

Gu jiuci sighed and nodded. After all, what sichen said was right. She can't delay a big event because of a little regret.

Not far away, the figure behind the vase, immediately appeared a vicious smile.

This person... Is Xu yun'er!

"Gu jiuci, do you think you can go today?"

At this time, Xu yun'er's mobile phone rings. It's her mother Su Furong.

"Yun'er, I've done it!"

"How wonderful

As soon as Xu yun'er is happy, he hangs up the phone, and immediately changes into a sad and anxious look, and rushes toward Gu jiuci, who is just leaving.


Gu jiuci was just about to give his boarding pass to the stewardess when he suddenly heard a familiar and unpleasant voice.

She looked back, but saw Xu yun'er panting in front of her.

"Adieu! You go home! It's a big deal

Xu yun'er deliberately pretended to run from a long distance, out of breath.

"What's the big deal?"

Gu jiuci habitually does not believe Xu Yuner's lies.

"Uncle Gu had a car accident on the South Bridge. Everyone was knocked unconscious. Please go back and have a look."

"What do you say?"

Gu jiuci instantly widened his eyes, subconsciously stretched out his hand and tightly grasped Xu yun'er's arm. In an instant, his face had lost its color.

At this time, elder brother Gu Qian's mobile phone also rang. As soon as it was connected, the second brother's voice of sadness and panic came from the phone immediately.

"Big brother! Dad's in trouble! Come to the people's hospital

Even the second brother said that, the matter is absolutely true!

Xu yun'er restrained the ecstasy in her heart and hastily advised her.

"Let's go! The doctor said that uncle Gu was seriously injured and probably... "

she deliberately said that and didn't go on. Gu jiuci and elder brother looked at each other, and they ran towards the airport.

Xu yun'er stands behind the two people, showing an extremely vicious smile.

Still want to compete in Vieira? Gu jiuci, I will destroy your family today!

In the people's Hospital,

a man with blood all over his body, or even so serious that he could not see his face clearly, was pushed into the rescue room by more than a dozen nurses and doctors...

in the people's hospital , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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