"Gu jiuci, your elder brother embezzled public funds, which led to the collapse of Gu's share price. On behalf of all the shareholders of the company, I will sue him in the name of economic crime, which will give you a sentence of at least 20 years!"

Su Furong looked at Gu jiuci and continued.

"Twenty years is enough to turn your elder brother into a useless man? But as long as you do one thing, I can give up prosecution

Gu jiuci rolled his eyes in the bottom of his heart, and knew that this woman would definitely hit her.

"Come on, what are your terms?"

Gu jiuci slightly raised his eyebrows, without any ups and downs in his voice.

The second elder brother on one side is stunned and grabs the younger sister's hand.

"Adieu! Are you crazy! Su Furong full of tricks, you must not agree with her

"Second brother, don't worry. I have discretion."

Gu jiuci turned to his face and blinked at the second elder brother with a serious tone.

Just... I don't know if the second brother can understand her meaning.

Su Furong didn't notice Gu jiuci's small movements and continued.

"My condition is very simple. As long as you give me jiuche entertainment unconditionally, I will let your elder brother live. How about this deal? Is this a good deal? I've got the contract ready for you. You just need to sign it. "

Su Furong winked at the lawyer beside her. The lawyer immediately took out a document and pen and went to Gu jiuci. She said with a smile.

"Miss Gu, Mrs. Su's time is precious. You'd better sign it quickly."

"OK, I'll sign it."

Gu jiuci actually picked up the pen, Su Furong and Xu yun'er smile on the face has been unable to restrain, directly revealed.

The second elder brother Gu Qijue's heart was about to jump out and rushed to stop her.

"ADI, you must not do stupid things!"

But he had not time to rush up, but was stopped by the elder brother, Gu Qijue couldn't believe staring at the elder brother.

"Big brother, jiuche entertainment is a CI's painstaking effort! Do you really want me to exchange it? "

"Shut up!"

Gu Qian cold face to his own low EQ brother cold drink.

"Big brother, you let me shut up?!"

Gu Qijue's face was full of despair, only felt a basin of cold water from head to foot.

"Ha ha ha ha, Gu Qian, aren't you the most beloved sister? It seems that the disaster is imminent, you still choose to protect yourself! "

Su Furong complacently ridicules, Xu yun'er also can't help but hook his lips, just feel very happy in the heart.

Gu jiuci, how does it feel to be betrayed by his close relatives? Is it special suffering, special despair?

The more painful you are, the more happy I will be ~

"sign up! Gu jiuci

Su Furong impatiently urged way.

Gu jiuci held the pen and was about to write down her name. At the last moment, she stopped all her movements and looked up at Su Furong.

"So your mother and daughter came to our home three years ago, and they never really treated us for a moment. They just planned to take care of the family property, didn't they?"

"Hum! You just found out now? It's late

Su Furong complacent smile, anyway she has succeeded, need not hold back the camouflage that bend, just spit out today!

Xu yun'er's heart flashed a touch of strange, can't say where not quite right, then urged the way.

"ADI, for your brother's sake, you'd better sign it."

However, Gu jiuci directly let go of his pen and let it fall to the ground.

What do you mean

Su Furong's face suddenly sank.

"Dad! Did you hear all that

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