"Yang Xiuwen, malicious participation in commercial competition, have you not read the economic law? Wait for Gu's lawyer's letter

"Ha ha, am I afraid of lawsuits?"

Yang Xiuwen deliberately gave a very exaggerated sneer at Gu jiuci's childishness.

"We, Yang's family, receive hundreds of lawsuits every day at least. What I'm afraid of most is to fight against others! Do you know that the whole floor of our Yang family is the legal department?

Gu jiuci, you are still too young. You want to defeat me with such a small means? "

"Is it?"

Instead of being angry, Gu jiuci also laughed.

"Recently, many satellite TV stations and advertisers came to me to discuss the story of Langya. I told them that I could lower the price, but only one requirement was that we could not cooperate with Qingyun."

Hearing this, Yang Xiuwen's face suddenly sank down and glared angrily at Gu jiuci.

"No wonder my phone has been hit by TV recently. Everyone wants to terminate my contract with me. It turns out that you are playing tricks behind my back."

These days, just these termination contracts, he has already been exhausted.

Gu jiuci sarcastically raised the corners of his lips.

"It's said that you signed a 1-billion-dollar gambling agreement to prepare for the shooting of Qingyun Ji. Now the investors can't get their money back. You have to compensate all the 1 billion yuan. Oh, Mr. Yang, I'm worried about you ~"

Yes, this step has already been in her plan. How could she let Yang Xiuwen take advantage of her money How Xiuwen ate in, how to vomit out!

"You! You! You

Yang Xiu even said three words of you. He made a preliminary calculation. Even if all the money put out by Gu's stock was returned to investors, he still owed 100 million yuan. All these money should be balanced from Yang's real estate company.

In recent months, Yang has been robbed of projects one after another by Gu, and the cash on his account is not much...

Yang Xiuwen never dreamed that he would let a 19-year-old girl play tricks one after another!

"Gu jiuci! You are cruel! Let's see! "

"I'll accompany you to the end. We haven't finished our account yet."

Gu jiuci's domineering attitude is one foot higher than Yang Xiuwen's.

Yang Xiuwen couldn't stay any longer. He put down a cruel word and turned to leave the hospital. Unexpectedly, he was elated to see Gu's jokes. Finally, he became Gu jiuci's chess piece. He did not say it, but also became a biggest joke!

He went to the door of the hospital, the mobile phone began to ring, is a variety of investors to urge money.

Yang Xiu's eyes turned red. He wanted to drop the phone directly, but he didn't dare to. In the end, he had to turn off the phone. Then he took out another mysterious mobile phone and called the woman on the car.


"How is it going?"

At the other end of the phone, the voice after sound processing reached Yang Xiuwen's ears, which still made him feel creepy.

"That... It's a mess... I didn't expect Gu jiuci has been acting all the time. Su Furong and Xu Yuner are not the opponents of the family at all. They are completely exploited by Gu jiuci!"

Yang Xiuwen carefully told the woman what happened today, and finally said his goal.

"Miss L, I still have a gap of 100 million yuan in the company's account. Can you... Help me?"

"What a waste! You and them are all rubbish

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