"Lin Shujing's overseas background is very complicated. In addition to serving as vice president of Huo's company for many years overseas, he has also set up hundreds of companies. These companies are mainly related to his business projects. However, one of them is a pharmaceutical company. It is said that the company only serves Lin Shujing and has never operated abroad for many years. "

Gu jiuci kept his eyes on this line for a long time. It was very strange for a pharmaceutical company that never operated abroad ~

at this time, 13 sent a message.

"13: ah Kai said that in order to find out Lin Shujing's secret, he almost exposed himself. Now he asks you for 2 million spiritual loss to make up for his broken heart. "

Gu jiuci rolled his eyes and immediately replied.

"Nine: Tell ah Kai that if you ask for more money, I'll blow his heart out! "

at this time, shisan called directly.

"Tut Tut, you are still such an irritable woman."

"Did you know me on the first day?"

Seeing that he was about to arrive at Huo's, Gu jiuci turned off those materials and chatted with shisan with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, ah Kai also told me something. Lin Shujing is a woman with a very strong background and influence overseas. If it's not necessary, I hope you don't run into her."

As a good friend for many years, shisan said worried.

"It's a pity that I didn't bump into her on my own initiative. Now I do. Do you think I'm afraid?"

Gu jiuci slightly pick eyebrows, voice slightly cold mouth way.

"I'm afraid, OK? I'm afraid you're such a cash cow and you'll be farting again."

Thirteen and a half joking, half serious.

"Pull it down, ah Kai is your [biqu Island] www.biqudao.vip ]Darling, you black hearted broker

The housekeeper has stopped the car, Gu jiuci also no longer wait for thirteen answers, hang up the phone neatly.

As soon as she took the elevator to the president's office, she saw Zhan Ying pacing back and forth at the door of the office, as if she still had a medicine box in her hand.

"Zhan Ying, what's going on? Is there something wrong with brother Che? "

Looking for the medicine box, Gu jiuci was subconsciously nervous, and remembered that night, the big demon king coughed violently in his study.

"Well, it's not."

Zhan Ying's face flashed with hesitation, but the master said that he could not tell Gu jiuci completely about his physical condition.

"You lie!"

However, Gu jiuci has been keenly aware of Zhan Ying's cover up and stares at him coldly.

"If you don't tell the truth now, believe it or not, I'll yell at you right away? Do you think brother Che believes you or I? "

Zhan Ying was frightened out of a cold sweat.

"Oh, Hello, auntie, don't embarrass me, will you?"

"Then tell me the truth of the matter, now and immediately!"

"Good, good, I said!"

Zhan Ying thinks that stretching out his head is also a knife and shrinking his head is also a knife. It's better to tell the truth for the eldest brother's body.

"In fact, the master's irritability is not completely good, this disease will cause other complications."

Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment, remembering the picture of the great devil beating Jiang Yutang half to death at that time.

"So this medicine is for the devil to cure irritability?"


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