On the clean tombstone, the epitaph is written in English, and there is a small picture on it. The woman in the picture has a face similar to Lin Shujing, and she looks kind without any harm.

But the world would be thrilled to know what she had done.

Lin Shu put a bunch of lilies in front of the woman's grave without expression.

"Mom, you taught me that you must use all means to get what you like. Unfortunately, when you are about to get it, your life is not so long. I still remember the last day, you told me that this is probably your life. It's ridiculous. When would you admit your life?"

Lin Shujing said with a smile. She bent down slowly and took out a dagger. In a twinkling, she dug out the grass around the tombstone one by one.

"What you did at that time was so bad that you even asked me to think about it in the end. Don't worry, in Gu Qingyuan's mind, you will always be that gentle and kind little sister.

It's a pity that he will always treat you as your sister. Even though Su Yunchao has been dead for so many years, he still refuses to forget her. "

Lin Shujing dug all the grass, and then smile with a lighter, those innocent grass one by one.

"I'm different from you. Whatever I like and the person I like, I want him to belong to me completely. If his people are mine, his heart will be mine. As for what I hate, let them disappear.

Don't worry. I will not let go of any of the people who care for my family, especially Gu jiuci. She has caused me a lot of trouble recently. "

At this time, a man in black walked from the distance and stopped two meters away from Lin Shujing.


"What's the matter?"

Lin Shujing's face immediately cooled down.

"We have just found out that there are many hackers investigating your information and mining your background recently. Although we have resisted most of the hackers, hackers K....

the man in Black said that, Lin Shujing suddenly turned around and looked at the man in black with cold eyes, which made him kneel on the ground immediately.

"K is the fifth hacker in the world. Our people can't withstand his invasion, but we have found his trace, recognized him, and started to trace him!"

The explanation given by the people in black is very fast. For fear of speaking too slowly, he will be sent to the experimental base by Lin Shujing and become an experimental object.


Lin Shujing repeated the name meaningfully.

"I remember the relationship between him and the international Ranger 13 seems not very common. Please check it well and dig out the people behind him for me without worry."

"But he is the fifth..."

"then please rank first! No matter how much money it costs, those who dare to dig up my information will die! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Lin Shujing's eyes are deep and terrible.

A few days later, the plane rowed across the sky, and Gu jiuci finally set out to participate in the Vieira competition in the United States.

In order to avoid danger, the elder brother and the great demon king decided to charter a plane to send them to the United States.

They... Yes!

"Second brother, I really don't need your protection. You can't chase me to America?"

Gu jiuci looks at the second brother who is busy cutting fruit with a face.

"ADI, you think more this time. Your second brother is going to Vieira to participate in the world series finals, not to be your nanny."

As one of the e-sports fans, Ji Weiran immediately gave Gu jiuci science popularization.

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