Gu jiuci's speed is getting faster and faster. For one second, people still feel that they are like caterpillars, and they are turning into a white cocoon. In the next second, in the exciting music, they seem to see the struggling caterpillar struggling out of the cocoon, showing its wings and turning into a bright Butterfly.

Facing the gale Bao rain, fragile wings are constantly struggling to move forward, flying across the sea, and finally see the sun!

In a short time of seven or eight minutes, everyone can't help but be reminded of a glorious period of time. The past is like clouds, and finally they are relieved at the moment.

Even Daisy, who was very disdainful at the beginning, had to admit that in Gu jiuci's song, she felt the strong stubbornness of life and the power of never giving up.

A musician is someone who can cure others with music.

And Gu jiuci also in this seven or eight minutes, looking back on the past and this life, she slowly opened her eyes, only feel today's play incisively and vividly, especially happy.

The lights on the stage were warm, and she could not see the expressions of the audience, and she did not know how they reacted to her song. At the end of the song, the audience was very quiet.

But this quiet is different from Daisy's embarrassment at that time. The audience is still in the aftertaste, unable to extricate themselves.

Half a minute later, the audience burst into thunderous applause, and even some young musicians in the front row clapped in succession.

"Did you win?"

From everyone's fierce reaction, the victory or defeat has actually been divided.

Ji Weiran cried out happily, jumping and jumping excitedly.

"Not necessarily. Did you forget that half of the judges were bought by Audrey? And most of the judges in the West reject us from the East. "

Si Chen was staring at the stage with a dignified face.

"Even if a CI with overwhelming strength, get such a big response, but the right to play points in the hands of the referee."

"Impossible? It's too obvious to win. In this case, does the referee mean to cheat? "

The next second, Ji Weiran just finished his words and was beaten in the face.

Only a few judges whispered and looked puzzled. Among them, the three judges' expressions were particularly dignified. After a few minutes, Mr. William, the chief judge, stood up to announce the results.

"I declare that Gu jiuci, from the East, has a score of 96.99! Congratulations on winning the silver medal of this Vieira competition

Mr. William specially said to Gu jiuci in a tone of special joy and blessing.

96.99, only 0.01 points, so defeated?

No one but the judges and Daisy herself agreed with the result.

"It's not fair! Obviously, ah CI is the best

"This is the worst Vieira competition I've ever seen!"

"I can't imagine that the most authoritative youth competition has also been polluted!"

"We protest! You have ruined the reputation of the mountain city

Not only the audience, but also the musicians at the scene were very critical, and some even stood up and objected loudly.

However, their opposition can not change the present facts.

Mr. William just shrugged, and did not intend to revise the results.

"I'm sorry, but the competition is over. Next, please go to the hall on the first floor to participate in this award ceremony."

Hearing the words of the chief judge, Daisy laughed excitedly and even walked up to Gu jiuci with pride.

"See? Gu jiuci, you are my defeated general! You'll never get out of the way with me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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