"Gee, I can't believe that belings high school is so close to your university. If I hadn't met a scum man, I would have gone to belings high school. This century old high school is famous for its Music Association..."

"and not far away is the Juliet Conservatory of music."

At the beginning, Gu jiuci star was very interested in introducing the big devil, but the big devil suddenly received such a sentence.


Gu jiuci was stunned for a moment, and followed the eyes of the great demon king. As expected, it was Juliet university next door.

"How can you be so familiar with these two schools..."

in the middle of her speech, she suddenly responded, and her mind seemed to be pounded violently. Therefore, the reason why the devil chose Harun University was not because of its charm, but because of her!

At that time, she told the devil that she would go to university abroad, so he chose Harlem University, which is close to both schools.

"It's just that you forgot..."

Gu jiuci suddenly recalled the conversation with the great demon king before. The original young and ignorant joke she had played was taken seriously by the big demon king, and for this joke, he even put his university future on the pledge!

He kept his promise and went to a non-high-end University in a foreign country, but she broke the appointment and let him stay in a foreign country for several years alone. When he came back, he saw that he was pursuing a scum man!

How painful is his heart?!!!

Gu jiuci as long as a little thought, the heart is like a rusty knife, bit by bit cut, blunt pain!

"Brother Che, I'm sorry!"

Gu jiuci turns around and hugs the demon king tightly, tears break the bank.

At the moment, she has tens of millions of guilt, but only dare to say I'm sorry, this two lives, how can she get Huo Mingche so cherish!

"Why are you crying?"

Huo Mingche was surprised to look at the girl, carefully reached out and stroked her hair, the action strange comforted her.

"In those years, you should have worked hard?"

Gu jiuci raised his head, sour looking at Huo Mingche asked.

At this time, the man's deep eyes slightly shocked, he understood the meaning of Gu jiuci.

"Not bitter."

Later, you finally come back to me, all the pain in the past can be written off, not bitter.


the more the man loves in the dust, the more heartache and guilt she has.

Gu jiuci sobbed in a low voice, and felt that he was not qualified to cry.

"Brother Che, I will treat you well! Spend the rest of my life trying to be nice to you

Finally, Gu jiuci earnestly looked at Huo Mingche and said firmly.


The man reached out and gently wiped her tears with his finger belly, but he didn't force him.

But Gu jiuci is more serious than ever.

If time goes back, let her choose again, she will not hesitate to choose Huo Mingche, she will do her best to give him all!


At this time, Zhan Ying is driving towards them. Gu jiuci quickly releases the big demon king and wipes his face.

"Well, they have already set out to return home. I guess Miss Gu will go to Beicheng to watch Gu Qijue's game? If you don't leave, the time may be too late. "

Taking advantage of the big demon king's temper, Zhan Ying said bravely.

"Ah! I almost forgot that the second brother's competition is about to start! "

Gu jiuci exclaimed, she has already missed yesterday's competition, today is the final of the second brother, if she missed again...

will the second brother cry?

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