"Isn't this actor Gu jiuci? How could she be here? Are you kidding

"An actor comes to the final of the e-sports circle! Seven kill is not show funny, bring sister to play? "

Just also excited about the dragon soul team fans, now see Gu jiuci, one by one angry abuse.

Andre and Sha hang of the opposite Temple team take a look at each other, showing contempt and schang's smile. This time, the dragon soul team is completely cool.

However, the next second...

the big screen turns and starts to introduce the game characters and weapon combat power information possessed by ten people.

When Gu jiuci's western regions Qin demon appeared on the big screen, everyone took a breath of cold air, especially the Chinese game fans.

"My God! This is not the top ten Qin demons in the national costume, the God disguised princess! "

"For so many years, we have been guessing who the Shenzhuang princess is. We thought it was the big guy of the team. Unexpectedly, it was Gu jiuci!"

The top ten Qin demons in the national costume have attracted attention because they appear and disappear, but they have long occupied the first place in the national costume God costume list.

At first, everyone thought that he was a local tyrant, but in a PK battle in the arena, the Qin demon of the western regions actually defeated damocs, who was the fifth largest player in the PK list at that time. In this battle, the Shenzhuang princess was completely infuriated.

But Shenzhuang princess is more mysterious than before, so that we have been unable to find a trace.

In fact, Gu jiuci was too busy to practice, and her second brother kept throwing money and equipment for her.

The second elder brother said that in the game, his sister Gu Qijue must also be equipped with the best.

On this side, the boss and team members of the dragon soul team all showed a smile, and tea sister also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the contrary, ShaHang's face is obviously not good.

"She turned out to be a princess in disguise!"

Even if he took the Qin demon and Damocles' whole meat bull PK, it may not be able to win.

"Sha hang! Don't you say you know the dragon soul team very well? What's the matter with this fairy princess

Andre's face is not good enough to question Sha hang.

"She was not a member of the dragon soul team before, and I don't know. But you can rest assured that she has not practiced for so long, she must not be our opponent

Sha hang tries to mend for itself.

At this time, members of both sides began to draw lots to select the battle map. In order to ensure that the combat power value of both sides was within the standard required by the competition, they began to selectively throw away some equipment.

The large screen projects the game map, temple map, complex and easy to hide terrain, which is very suitable for hiding and assassinating. It is very powerful for the temple team, which is a combination of long-range shooters and assassins.

But for the dragon soul Corps this kind of close range hand to hand combat team, is very disadvantageous.

What's more, at the beginning, Gu jiuci's Qin demon disappeared.

"Hello! Gu jiuci? And you

To the consternation of his teammates, he couldn't even contact Gu jiuci in his headset.

"Captain, isn't Mai of Qin demon broken?"

Team members have produced a trace of uneasiness, only Gu Qijue, calm command of the battle.

"Don't panic, according to our tactics, set up your formation!"

His words are like a tranquilizing needle, which makes everyone calm down quickly.

But the audience at the scene saw it in a fog.

"Is this fairy princess Gu jiuci playing? Can she? Playing missing at the beginning is what an assassin should do. She doesn't follow her teammates to add blood. Where does she go

"That's right. I thought she would have some amazing performance. Would she come to pit dad?"

"I have always suspected that Shenzhuang princess is the trumpet of seven kills. Maybe it has been practicing seven kills all the time."

A fan of Gu Qijue said.

"If it's really a seven kill trumpet, it's troublesome!"

As soon as the fan's voice dropped, the trouble came immediately!

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