The agent who was just in the lounge, immediately found Gu Qijue's contract from his briefcase.

Seeing this, tea sister rushed forward and stopped the boss.

"Boss, Gu Qijue won't treat the competition as a joke. He will win. You must believe him!"

"Believe him? Lao Tzu believed him and let his sister play. You can see what his sister did! Don't stop me

Just as Chajie tried to stop the owner of the club, the worse news came from the stadium again.

"No, Athena, the backup mage of the dragon soul team, is entangled by two people from the temple team again. The Epee guest is lack of skills, and the auxiliary Qin demon is not online. Does Gu Qijue, a scattered man, decide to save his teammates by himself?

Let's take a look at Gu Qijue's position. It's too far away from the master Athena. It seems that Athena can only bid farewell to the battlefield... "

just after the voice of the explanation fell, a long-range gun came from the sky, and Athena managed to escape.

Several members of the dragon soul team just reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, now the whole staff tactical retreat, pay attention to the blood, conserve physical strength!"

Gu Qijue's command came from the headset, but everyone was stunned.

"Captain, what are you talking about? Retreat? "

When there are only four people left on our side, retreating is like actively narrowing the enemy's encirclement circle and trapping ourselves to death!

At this time, the voice of Sha Hang's ridicule came again from the public channel.

"Gu Qijue, I thought you were so powerful! How to be a shrinking turtle and run away with your team members? Who once said that the dragon soul team has never retreated?

Ha ha ha ha, I beat you all over the place today

Sha Hang's unbridled ridicule makes the members of the dragon soul team suffocate! And the fans of dragon spirit team are even more angry!

"Gu Qijue! What the hell is going on with you! When did the dragon soul team retreat? "

"It's a hell of a fight, let others chase after it, and don't even fight back!"

"I think the game will be over in five minutes! What a shame! The third rate teams are better than the Dragon spirits

Off the field, the boss of the dragon soul team club pushed away Cha Jie, tore Gu Qijue's contract into pieces in front of her, and then rose to the sky.

"After this game, Gu Qijue is no longer a member of the dragon spirit team!"

The boss said with a cold face and heartless feeling. The fragments all over the sky are like snowflakes, falling with the tears of tea sister.

"Mr. Du, you will regret it!"

Tea sister eyes a cold, cool mouth.

And the shady agent immediately scoffed.

"Regret? You'd better worry about Gu Qijue. This game is doomed to lose. There is no miracle! "

No miracle? really?

On the field map, all the members of the dragon soul team retreated. Seeing that the slaughter game of the temple team was about to start, a female voice finally sounded in the headset.

"Second brother, you can start your performance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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