After finding out the assassin, the mage and Epee swordsman went to encircle the backup members of the temple team. Gu jiuci directly manipulated Qin Mo to come to the middle road and found the best position to watch the second brother Gu Qijue butcher God.

She added a treatment to her second brother, and then watched the opera with one hand holding her cheek.

At this time, the camera cuts into Gu jiuci's face, which makes everyone surprised.

This is the final of the world series. Who has seen such a leisurely player?

In the middle of the field, a unilateral massacre officially began.

Gu Qijue, who is the No.1 individual in the national service PK list, has always maintained the record of invincible PK, and Andre is also the first server in the United States.

Everyone thought they were equal opponents, but the reality was cruel.

"Come on, Gu Qijue, let me see what you can do to deserve it!"

Andrea controls the swordsman and roars at Gu Qijue. This strike can kill the scattered person. However, the Sanren just turns around and avoids the attack with three or four positions.

At this time, Andre's Swordsman should be inertia can not stop, and the big move is not blue, his back move is weak, Gu Qijue's big move has just begun, a move long flying nine days, scattered people's long spear directly into the swordsman's heart, the game is over.

This 1v1 single, even less than a minute.

At the same time, the mage and swordsman of the dragon soul team killed the backup members of the temple team, and the game ended.



When the victory appeared on the computer screen, the members of the dragon soul team jumped up and held them together!

All fans of the dragon soul team stood up and roared for victory!

"Win! We won! "

Young stubborn, hot blood hard to cool, we are always in a desperate situation, creating miracles, this is the charm of E-sports.

"It's not fair!"

Just as the host was about to announce the victory of the dragon soul team, Andre suddenly dropped his earphone on his head and rushed to the organizer's judges and roared loudly.

"I want to report the dragon soul team. Gu jiuci is just Gu Qijue's sister. She is not a professional player at all, nor is she a member of the dragon soul team. It is cheating for the dragon soul team to ask for foreign aid illegally. You should make them disqualified from the competition!"

The words just passed through the microphone in front of the rostrum and spread all over the stadium. Everyone's just surging smile froze on their faces in an instant.

Gu Yijiu forgot to win the game.

"Well, we need to discuss..."

the judges were very surprised and were about to ask the dragon soul team. At this time, tea sister came up with a document and mobile phone.

"Gentlemen, Gu jiuci is a professional player, and she was a member of the dragon soul team a year ago. This is her certificate of examination. This is her contract with our club. Today is the last day of her contract. You can check it."

The judges immediately took the two documents and found them to be true.

"No way, how can it be?"

Andre grabs Sha Hang's collar in a rage and asks him in a loud voice.

"This... I don't know..."

not far away, Gu jiuci has a sly smile, but you still have tea sister. Although the certificate and contract are only her young and frivolous, I didn't expect that she still kept it, and it was also useful at critical moments.

"Mr. Andre, the one who should be disqualified is your temple team, right?"

At this time, tea sister coolly swept Andre, and took out a mobile phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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